That's what some tin foil hat LN kooks believe.
However back on earth.
We have a photo Phil Willis took when he clicked the shutter on his camera at the same instant he was startled by the 1st shot.
We have film of Rosemary Willis stopping at about Z-190 and looking immediately back towards the TSBD.
She said she stopped when she heard the first shot.
Lots of "researchers" over the years, and even some of the witnesses who were there on 11/22, have confused a mysto "whenevershot" and/or the real-deal second shot (CE-399) for the first shot.
The acoustics of the echo chamber known as Dealey Plaza, and the fact that Abraham Zapruder filmed only the second and third shots, contributed mightily to this CTer's Wet Dream Of A Malleable Alternative Fact, unfortunately.
-- MWT

PS "Tinfoil Hat LN Kooks" ?
Don't Lone Nutters "keep it simple," whereas the definition of a Tinfoil Hat-Wearing anybody, in the socio-economic-political realm at least, is someone who constructs elaborate, layer-upon-layer of Multi-Dimentional Conceptual Art out of un-fact-checked contraptions, gizmos, artifices and "working theories" which tend to portray life's predicaments as way more complicated, way more controlled, and way more sinister than the way life really is and situations really are in order to ... gasp ... "justify" their own paranoia and self-righteous "victimhood" by ... Yes! ... convincing other gullibles of same?
Isn't the fact that a self-proclaimed Marxist loser murdered JFK in order to "Speed Up The Dialectic" bad enough, especially since his actions ironically (i.e., perversely) gave birth to oodles and gobs of anti-CIA / anti-FBI tinfoil hat conspiracy theories which, with midwifing help by people like Joachim "Commie" Joesten, Mark "Paid by the KGB to 'Debunk' the Warren Report" Lane, Jim "Gullible" Garrison, and Oliver " I LOVE Making Money, I TRUST Vladimir Putin (Because I Pray He's Gonna Give Me Some New Money-Making Material), and My Son? ... Well, My SON Works for RT" Stone, et al., initiated the dumbing-down and making apathetic our body politic to such an extent that it paved the way for the FASCISTIC MAFIA formerly called the KGB/GRU to install fascistic, corrupt and oh yes compromised "useful idiot" Donald "I Make Fun Of Handicapped Journalists", etc, etc, etc, Trump as our president?
Get real, Neo. / Wake up, dude. The ...
... Oops, there's that deja vu thing again.