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Author Topic: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?  (Read 8723 times)

Offline Thomas Graves

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Do you have an opinion?

--  MWT ;)

PS  Here's that book by my hero, Tennent H. "Pete" Bagley.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 09:03:51 PM by Thomas Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Jerry Freeman

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The War of the Moles: Oswald The Secret Agent An interview with Edward Jay Epstein by Susana Duncan ..Oswald's Russian diary was a fake. It was written in only two sittings, just before he returned to the United States in 1962..."
" ...Sullivan was sure Hoover knew of Oswald's threatening note; thus Hoover perjured himself before the Warren Commission..."

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Mike Orr

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              Cambridge English Dictionary

     The so called Deep State , made up of ruling elites from the Military , Judicial Branch , Business and Media ,
      has long wielded tremendous power behind the scenes .

      Black Ops -----Secret Military activities , especially illegal ones , that are ordered by a government or organization
       but that they will not admit admit to having ordered .

       President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned the nation with regard to the corrupting influence of what he describes as
        the " Military-Industrial Complex ".

     Out of Control and answers to no one would be an analogy of what goes on with these groups !

Offline Thomas Graves

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Cambridge English Dictionary

The so-called Deep State, made up of ruling elites from the Military, Judicial Branch, Business and Medi [sic], has long wielded tremendous power behind the scenes.

If it included the words "Intelligence" and "Police," it would describe the USSR / Russia almost perfectly, wouldn't it?


--  MWT  ;)
« Last Edit: May 26, 2020, 07:28:38 PM by Thomas Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Tom Scully

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The War of the Moles: Oswald The Secret Agent An interview with Edward Jay Epstein by Susana Duncan ..Oswald's Russian diary was a fake. It was written in only two sittings, just before he returned to the United States in 1962..."
" ...Sullivan was sure Hoover knew of Oswald's threatening note; thus Hoover perjured himself before the Warren Commission..."

Epstein was and is disinfo. Epstein and Henry Hurt were sponsored by Readers Digest.
After reading Weissberg's letter at the link above, consider the close relationship between Readers Digest editor Fulton Oursler and his wife with Asst FBI director, "Louis Nichols".

Oursler's subordinate, Editor Ed Thompson, was the son of Luce protege, Ed Thompson, editor of Life Magazine. Ed Thompson the son oversaw Epstein and Hurt. During WWII, Thompson's father happened to be editor of the USAAF intelligence "magazine" and was the most authoritive USAAF intelligence officer on day to day affairs of the Luftwaffe. His asst., Maitland Eddy, also of Life magazine, just happened to be father of a yacht builder who employed defector to the USSR, Webster, in his final years.


...Fulton Oursler Jr. is an author and was the longtime managing and eventually executive editor of Reader's Digest, so the couple often hosted guests from his work. There were fundraisers for local causes, too — Noel Oursler was a founding member of Friends of the Nyacks — and weddings....

Fulton "Tony" Oursler, Jr, 84, of Nyack, NY, passed away September 18th, with his loving family at his bedside.

....He joined Reader's Digest in 1956. In 1964, he completed his father's unfinished auto-biography Behold This Dreamer. He retired from his position as executive editor in chief and vice president at Reader's Digest in 1986. In 1992, he joined Guideposts Magazine as editor-in-chief. Fulton was instrumental in the founding Angels on Earth, a magazine devoted to first person stories about encounters with angels. During his career, Fulton worked with many writers including James Mitchner, Cornelius Ryan, Charles Lindbergh, and Edward J. Epstein. He was especially proud of his extensive work on "Roots" with Alex Haley.....

Hurt tried to "muscle" Billy Joe Lord. Hurt was sponsored by Readers Digest after teaching in Kennebunkport and "falling under the influence" of Bush and his best friend, Bemiss, a cousin of Hurt's wife. Hurt's father-in-law happened to be the brother of Langbourne Williams, Jock Whitney's Freeport Sulphur front man.

Dec. 6 specially decorated Bush '41 Train engine, was Billy Joe Lord on board?
« on: December 06, 2018, 06:59:00 PM »

There is no "deep state", it is a refuge of those too lazy or inattentive to pursue and sift through detail and an excuse for right wing extremist nonsense.

What there is are ambitious, greedy capitalists who prioritize pursuit of money and the influence it buys, over patriotism and ethics. Consider the men who have "fronted" for the alleged "Deep State" since 1945.
Hat salesman, former U.S. senator, Harry Truman
non-political soldier, Dwight Eisenhower
youthful, wealthy, former U.S. senator, JFK
Senate Leader LBJ who crashed and burned in 1968
Dick Nixon, who Eisenhower never invited into the White House
Unelected POTUS and former House minority leader, Gerry Ford
Former nuclear engineer, Navy submariner, Georgia governor. Jimmy Carter
B grade film actor and former Cal. governor, Ronald "Dutch" Reagan
the clouded backgrounded, former House member and V.P., GHWB
The man from Hope, AR and former gov. of that state, Bill Clinton
Former Texas gov., son of GHWB, GWB
The muslim Kenyan, community organizer, former U.S. senator, B. Hussein Obama
Queens, NY grifter and bankrupted casino owner, Donald J Trump

Wouldn't a "Deep State" at least field a group of "fronts" who do not intensely resemble "darts in a board" thrown by a bar patron?
« Last Edit: May 26, 2020, 10:01:23 PM by Tom Scully »

Offline Thomas Graves

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Epstein was and is disinfo. Epstein and Henry Hurt were sponsored by Readers Digest.
After reading Weissberg's letter at the link above, consider the close relationship between Readers Digest editor Fulton Oursler and his wife with Asst FBI director, "Louis Nichols".

Oursler's subordinate, Editor Ed Thompson, was the son of Luce protege, Ed Thompson, editor of Life Magazine. Ed Thompson the son oversaw Epstein and Hurt. During WWII, Thompson's father happened to be editor of the USAAF intelligence "magazine" and was the most authoritive USAAF intelligence officer on day to day affairs of the Luftwaffe. His asst., Maitland Eddy, also of Life magazine, just happened to be father of a yacht builder who employed defector to the USSR, Webster, in his final years.

Hurt tried to "muscle" Billy Joe Lord. Hurt was sponsored by Readers Digest after teaching in Kennebunkport and "falling under the influence" of Bush and his best friend, Bemiss, a cousin of Hurt's wife. Hurt's father-in-law happened to be the brother of Langbourne Williams, Jock Whitney's Freeport Sulphur front man.

There is no "deep state", it is a refuge of those too lazy or inattentive to pursue and sift through detail and an excuse for right wing extremist nonsense.

What there is are ambitious, greedy capitalists who prioritize pursuit of money and the influence it buys, over patriotism and ethics. Consider the men who have "fronted" for the alleged "Deep State" since 1945.
Hat salesman, former U.S. senator, Harry Truman
non-political soldier, Dwight Eisenhower
youthful, wealthy, former U.S. senator, JFK
Senate Leader LBJ who crashed and burned in 1968
Dick Nixon, who Eisenhower never invited into the White House
Unelected POTUS and former House minority leader, Gerry Ford
Former nuclear engineer, Navy submariner, Georgia governor. Jimmy Carter
B grade film actor and former Cal. governor, Ronald "Dutch" Reagan
the clouded backgrounded, former House member and V.P., GHWB
The man from Hope, AR and former gov. of that state, Bill Clinton
Former Texas gov., son of GHWB, GWB
The muslim Kenyan, community organizer, former U.S. senator, B. Hussein Obama
Queens, NY grifter and bankrupted casino owner, Donald J Trump

Wouldn't a "Deep State" at least field a group of "fronts" who do not intensely resemble "darts in a board" thrown by a bar patron?

Sorry, Tom, but you're full of beans.

Your proclivity to look for "connections" through 17 degrees of separation, or whatever, and your stubborn belief that the evil, evil, evil CIA (and the woebegone, duped-by-KGB FBI?) is the cause of most of the world's ills, tends to do that to you.

You've probably just read too much garbage by John L. Hart, Leonard V. McCoy, John L. Hart, Richards J. Heuer, Cleveland Cram, "Jumbo Duh," Jefferson Morley, David Wise, Tom Mangold, et al. ... ad nauseam.

Ever get around to actually reading "Spy Wars," Tom?

--  MWT  ;)
« Last Edit: May 26, 2020, 11:48:54 PM by Thomas Graves »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Epstein was and is disinfo.
Of course he is...  Oswald did it----Epstein's theory----   

There is no "deep state", it is a refuge of those too lazy or inattentive to pursue and sift through detail and an excuse for right wing extremist nonsense  etc----
OK where did all that come from? Nixon was at the White House several times. [Perhaps not invited into the living quarters] So what?
The shallower the investigation...the deeper the state.
Was the Oswald diary fake?

JFK Assassination Forum