In the below video (12 minutes to 16 minutes), Peter Dale Scott says that the Secret Service had their own radio system separate of the DPD. It would make sense that when the shots began to ring out in Dealey Plaza, that some one of the secret service agents might have radioed that shots were being fired. If they radioed any message at the time of the fatal head shot, the radio system might have recorded the sound of the fatal head shot (in the background).
Given that the eyewitnesses said there were two shots very close together at the time of the fatal head shot (too close for Oswald to operate the bolt action of the rifle for two separate shots), could the secret service be holding (and suppressing) evidence of a potential second shooter who fired at the time of the fatal head shot?
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
I heard they locked it up and threw away the key so the Military Industrial Intelligence Community Complex (nowadays called The Deep State by Far-Left and Far-Right tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists) could get away with The Fascistic Crime of the Century!
Actually, those "two shots, very close together" were probably the sounds of the supersonic "crack" of the bullet and the attendant muzzle blast of the shot that hit JFK in the upper part of his head at Z-313, quickly followed by their resounding echoes.
Bummer, huh?
-- MWT

PS Peter Dale Scott? The U.C. Berkeley poet-intellectual of Canadian extraction who didn't realize until March 2018 that Yuri "The KGB Didn't Have Anything to Do With Oswald in the USSR" Nosenko was ... gasp ... a false defector?