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Author Topic: If Oswald Was The Assassin, Did He Plan His Escape From The TSBD Very Well?  (Read 129851 times)

Offline Colin Crow

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Brennan was focused on answering questions during his testimony. He wasn't asked about whether or not he looked at his watch. In his book he included more detail. It is that simple. Here is his relevant testimony:

Mr. BELIN. I ask you to state, if you know, what this is.
Mr. BRENNAN. Yes. That is the retaining wall
Representative Ford. Are those the positions where you were sitting on November 22?
Mr. BRENNAN. Yes, sir.
Representative FORD. At about 12
Mr. BRENNAN. From about 12:22 or 12:24 until the time of the assassination.

Fascinating analysis about Brennan's focus during the WC testimony....

And yet...

Mr. BELIN. And then after lunch, where did you go?
Mr. BRENNAN. I finished lunch and I glanced at a clock--I don't know exactly where the clock is located--and noticed it was 12:18. So I thought I still had a few minutes, that I might see the parade and the President. I walked to the corner of Houston and Elm.

Later he simply offers 12.22-12.24. No recollection of his watch at that point in 1964 under oath.

He offers this. He remembered a specific time leaving the cafe....go figure. He obviously lost focus later on and forgot about looking at his watch but remembered doing so for a book written years later.....of course. One published posthumously in 1987. Right on the money.

And you say I am full of it.....
« Last Edit: June 24, 2020, 11:13:00 AM by Colin Crow »

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Offline Jerry Freeman

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The wall: Tell us where he was if not on the wall.
Probably... somewhere else?

Offline Martin Weidmann

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The wall: Tell us where he was if not on the wall.
The lineup: Didn't, not couldn't.
Exploding head: It was his ghostwriter who claimed that Brennan said he saw the Kennedy's head explode. Brennan said no such thing in testimony.

The wall: Tell us where he was if not on the wall.

Oh, he was on the wall alright. Just not where he told the WC he was. He was on the wall with his back to Dealey Plaza and facing Houston street. To see the TSBD he had to move his head to the left and to see the limo on Elm he would have to turn around completely. Zapruder frame 168 shows you exactly where he was.

The lineup: Didn't, not couldn't.

Same difference. He failed to identify Oswald in the police line up. Only after seeing Oswald's picture in the paper and on the news did he change his mind.

Exploding head: It was his ghostwriter who claimed that Brennan said he saw the Kennedy's head explode. Brennan said no such thing in testimony.

Thanks for proving my point... Any excuse will do to allow you to keep believing what Brennan said. Ghostwriter my ass.... It's in Brennan's book and if it isn't true than Brennan should have had it removed.... if he was an honest man, that is...

By any legal standard, Brennan is not a credible witness, but he was the only witness they had to put Oswald in the window so they ran with it.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2020, 08:32:04 AM by Martin Weidmann »

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Offline Thomas Graves

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Charles, save yourself some time:

Brennan confirmed / corroborated / substantiated / verified / authenticated / validated the 12:22-12:24 time window.

You know these guys: If a witness doesn't use the exact same words in, say, an affidavit as opposed to a later, fuller statement or testimony; why then, he must be lying.


It's clearly, clearly, clearly, clearly very, very OBVIOUS that that lyin' POS, Brennan, JUST LIKE AT LEAST FIVE-HUNDRED OTHER PEOPLES, wuz involved in the assassination and/or "the cover up"!!!!


--  MWT   ???

PS  And dat nice widdle Vladimir Putin is a twue humanitarian, Geraldine and O. Gwamquacka.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2020, 06:53:08 AM by Thomas Graves »

Offline Colin Crow

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It's clearly, clearly, clearly, clearly very, very OBVIOUS that that lyin' POS, Brennan, JUST LIKE AT LEAST FIVE-HUNDRED OTHER PEOPLES, wuz involved in the assassination and/or "the cover up"!!!!


--  MWT   ???

PS  And dat nice widdle Vladimir Putin is a twue humanitarian, Geraldine and O. Gwamquacka.

Wasn’t Brennan supposedly frightened by Reds also?

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Online Charles Collins

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Who asked for evidence of Oswald being in the SN during what time period?

And as for no one ever changing anyone's opinion......

"Quote from: John Mytton on 15 September 2018, 12:46:41
C'mon Colin we have debated this before, correct me if I'm wrong but where this is going is that you believe that Williams actually saw the killer and that's why they all lied, and as I remember I agreed with you and said that Williams must have seen Oswald and then you disagreed that it was Oswald, am I right?


And you really believe that Mytton actually changed his opinion based on that statement?

Offline Colin Crow

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And you really believe that Mytton actually changed his opinion based on that statement?

I believe my analysis of Willams and Rowland led John to accept that Williams saw the assassin. Why don’t you ask him. I provided the quote.

The posts (and parts of posts) you don’t reply to and acknowledge say more about you than the those you choose to.

Here is another of John's posts at the time we were debating Williams and his actions.

"I reckon that Williams did in fact see Oswald in the sniper's nest because why would he go up to the 6th floor to sit with his mates and just plonk himself down in the middle of the floor without checking all the windows?
When Williams went down to the 5th floor he obviously went to the windows directly below the sniper's nest, so what stopped him doing the same on the floor above?
When confronted with the following wall of boxes, would Williams simply shout out to his friends and after not hearing an answer just move on or would he have a peek to see if his friends were there and perhaps just horsing around?
And from the following exchange from Williams testimony, after Ford heard Williams explain what happened on the 6th floor Ford immediately attempt to associate Williams with breaking the law, which could indicate that they thought that Williams was lying?
« Last Edit: June 24, 2020, 12:18:35 PM by Colin Crow »

Offline Bill Chapman

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The wall: Tell us where he was if not on the wall.

Oh, he was on the wall alright. Just not where he told the WC he was. He was on the wall with his back to Dealey Plaza and facing Houston street. To see the TSBD he had to move his head to the left and to see the limo on Elm he would have to turn around completely. Zapruder frame 168 shows you exactly where he was.

The lineup: Didn't, not couldn't.

Same difference. He failed to identify Oswald in the police line up. Only after seeing Oswald's picture in the paper and on the news did he change his mind.

Exploding head: It was his ghostwriter who claimed that Brennan said he saw the Kennedy's head explode. Brennan said no such thing in testimony.

Thanks for proving my point... Any excuse will do to allow you to keep believing what Brennan said. Ghostwriter my ass.... It's in Brennan's book and if it isn't true than Brennan should have had it removed.... if he was an honest man, that is...

By any legal standard, Brennan is not a credible witness, but he was the only witness they had to put Oswald in the window so they ran with it.

« Last Edit: June 24, 2020, 12:14:31 PM by Bill Chapman »

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