Oh please... your whining is getting annoying
You get annoyed with anyone who disagrees with you
On what do you disagree with me?
Really? Not one bullet emerges "pristine" when it is fired!
CTers claim a 'pristine' Ce399 outcome
So you keep saying and by doing so you misrepresent the facts as there are plenty of CTs who don't make that claim... But for you, misrepresenting facts is only a problem when somebody else does it, right?
Well, I'll give you this; you are indeed somewhat of an expert when it comes to misleading people by only posting one sided information.

Typical LN real-deal presentation
re PristineGate

Typical OAKer presentation re PristineGate
Nice pictures....
But who exactly are you calling out?
Gary Craig, who posted images of damaged bullets and the side view of Ce399, and at the same time failed to post the damaged view of Ce399
So, go and talk to him... why are you bothering me with this BS?
Oh please... as if LNs don't do the same on a daily basis
So you admit CTers are disingenuous. Baby steps, contrarian... baby steps
Nope.. you got it wrong, again, as per usual... you are complaining about CTs that are doing the same thing that LNs do on a daily basis. Nowhere in that statement did I say or even imply that CTs are disingenuous. Better fix your comprehension skills and then try to understand what I mean when I say that, in general, some CTs, just like some LNs, are indeed disingenuous.... Don't crack your head trying to figure that one out!
Btw, since you didn't answer the question, I assume that you are not claiming that the damage to the butt was caused in any other way than by firing the bullet.
You seem to be claiming that the firing pin caused the damage to the butt-end of Ce399
Well, did it or not? If not, what caused the damage? Stop fiddling about, you've had plenty of time to come up with an answer to my question.
Great stuff, you are whining about minimal damage to the butt of bullet for which you can't even provide a shred of evidence that it is in any way related to the Kennedy murder or Parkland Hospital.... Wow!
Wow! That sounds like a bailout to me: You wouldn't happen to be inching towards the exit by demanding proof of Ce399's involvement before establishing whether-or-not FMJ ammo could have performed as advertised, now would you?
There is no bail out. When you get back to reality you will find (or maybe you won't) that I was not discussing FMJ ammo and it's performance with you.
The only reason for me to discuss a bullet is when that bullet in fact pertains the case. For a very long time now, I've been asking for evidence or proof - in vain I might add - that the bullet now in evidence as CE399 was ever at Parkland Hospital and/or was fired in Deally Plaza at 12.30 on 11/22/63.
Without that proof it doesn't matter one bit "whether-or-not FMJ ammo could have performed as advertised". And as I have already told you I am no expert on weapons and bullets, you're talking to the wrong person about that subject anyway.