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Author Topic: If Oswald Was The Assassin, Did He Plan His Escape From The TSBD Very Well?  (Read 129303 times)

Online Dan O'meara

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Put yourself in LHO's shoes. He knows as soon as he takes the shot everyone working in the TSBD that day becomes an instant suspect. If he wanted to escape he would never have taken the shot from his place of work. That he makes it down to the second floor and is found seconds after the shooting sipping a coke is almost as good as an alibi but instead of hanging around with colleagues and answering any questions he leaves the scene, making himself a prime suspect. He also knows, prior to the shooting, that he will have to leave his weapon at the scene. He works at the TSBD but doesn't prepare a place to quickly stash the rifle and shells. Instead, knowing he is going to be questioned by police, he carries a false ID in his wallet connecting him to the rifle he knows is going to be found.
Escape plan? His plan should have been to get out of the building and get to Mexico, not go home, get a gun, kill a police officer then go to the cinema.
The guy was obviously a moron.

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Offline Michael Walton

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Paul, as you said, witness testimony is not always accurate. Memory gets fuzzy and people were not standing around that day waiting for it to happen so they could burn it into memory and give perfect testimony.

So you're now talking about the ballistics. Take a look at the photo below.

These are FBI agents reenacting the shooting. They have stickers on the JFK stand in. They have the upper shoulder shot sticker quite accurately based on the autopsy and its photos. So far so good. But take a look at the one on the neck. There's no evidence that a rear shot was ever found on the rear of the neck, which means that sticker is showing where the *front* neck wound took place.

So we're now talking ballistics. Yes, you may say that you're not an expert in this but it doesn't take an expert to see with your own eyes how a bullet coming downward from the building would enter where the shoulder sticker is and exit ABOVE where the neck sticker is on the front of the throat, then go on to hit Connolly further DOWNWARD in the armpit.

Then 6 months later, after the lawyers massaged these wounds into a single shot that miraculously did all of this, we have the magic bullet. Is it any wonder that even the most jaded person researcher would find this a little off?

Do you not find this the least bit intriguing? Suspicious? Or are you simply too biased to see that?

Offline Jim Brunsman

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Mr. May regards Horne's research as "sci-fi"? That's interesting because Horne based his writing on eyewitness testimony and demonstrable facts that were corroborated by multiple reputable officials including dedicated Navy personnel. Does it show good character for one Navy guy to trash another just because their research totally contradicts the lone nut scenario? These were Navy personnel who faithfully served their country.  Horne is far from an embarrassment but trashing him without one word of substance on the matter makes you look pretty ignorant. Then you have the nerve to write about character. Not that your questions deserve a response from me, but I've done plenty of research. If you think the archives are an accurate source of information in this case, that would be another highly misleading opinion.  It was a cover-up from start to finish and much of the material in the archives is 100 percent bullspombleprofglidnoctobuns. Given the mountain of evidence independent researchers have uncovered, your opinions are archaic and just plain wrong. But folks like May are not interested in the truth. They only want their own deluded opinions validated. No point in engaging further, because of your stubbornness, but when you post bullspombleprofglidnoctobuns, I feel compelled to challenge it for history's sake.

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Offline Jim Brunsman

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Billy Chapman comes alive with another post of incredible genius and zero substance. He says I have no evidence, as if professional assassins would leave behind evidence. Any chance they would use frangible ammunition and try to plant evidence implicating a patsy? If you had a motive to kill a president, wouldn't you want a diversion to draw attention from the real shooters? We see evidence of this all over. Who would be a better patsy to set up than LHO with his extremely contradictory past actions?

Some clear evidence of multiple shooters is staring you right in the face. In order to believe Chapman, you have to believe that ALL of  the Parkland and Bethesda witnesses were lying. You also have to ignore scores of witnesses running up the knoll immediately after the shooting. You would have to believe that Holland, Simmons, Clint Hill, Bowers, Hoffman, the Newmans, Zapruder, and the entire Willis family, and many others are lying. You would have to believe that a shot from the rear would rocket the president's head back and to the left and violating the laws of physics. You would have to believe Tom Robinson lied about his observations at the autopsy when he saw Humes sawing on the president's head BEFORE THE AUTOPSY FORMALLY BEGAN. But big picture, you would have to be in total denial concerning the number of powerful people who wanted JFK dead. Instead, Chapman buys the moronic story concocted by American traitor Arlen Bleeping Specter who not only foisted the imbecilic SBT on the public and threatened witnesses who reported anything contrary to his dumb ass theory.

 Then there's the dictabelt. What I find fascinating is that those who try to discredit the tapes can't explain why, if the assassination is synchronized with the Zapruder film head shot, every movement on the film corresponds to a an impulse on the dictabelt. Guess that's just a coincidence, right? But the tapes reflect at least four impulses and some believe there could be as many as seven shots. Some shots could have occurred at the same instant or silencers could have been employed. This makes so much more sense given the TOTALITY of the evidence than the absolutely ludicrous three shot scenario. Again, if "Lee Hardly" is the assassin, why aren't there exit wounds on the front of JFK's body? Can't wait to see the reaction...

Offline Paul May

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“It was a cover-up from start to finish and much of the material in the archives is 100 percent bullspombleprofglidnoctobuns”.

Yawn. yawn. This is OPINION unsupported by fact! I made my argument with Horne’s garbage directly to Horne. You appear to offer YOUR opinion freely yet, refuse to answer ANY question asked. Any at all. So, let’s try it one last time. Ready?

1. Have YOU ever been to NARA? What did you study?
2. Other than reading books, what actual original research have you done?
3. Who peer reviewed Horne’s work?

Simple questions even for a neophyte such as yourself. Impress the readers. Answer the questions.

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Offline Jim Brunsman

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May is tired, always yawning when presented with the truth. I don't care about your irrelevant questions. You are basing your conclusions on tainted evidence with no legitimate chain of possession in many cases. Calling me a neophyte is yet another false claim. I would debate you any time and you would be destroyed in seconds...

Offline Paul May

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Billy Chapman comes alive with another post of incredible genius and zero substance. He says I have no evidence, as if professional assassins would leave behind evidence. Any chance they would use frangible ammunition and try to plant evidence implicating a patsy? If you had a motive to kill a president, wouldn't you want a diversion to draw attention from the real shooters? We see evidence of this all over. Who would be a better patsy to set up than LHO with his extremely contradictory past actions?

Some clear evidence of multiple shooters is staring you right in the face. In order to believe Chapman, you have to believe that ALL of  the Parkland and Bethesda witnesses were lying. You also have to ignore scores of witnesses running up the knoll immediately after the shooting. You would have to believe that Holland, Simmons, Clint Hill, Bowers, Hoffman, the Newmans, Zapruder, and the entire Willis family, and many others are lying. You would have to believe that a shot from the rear would rocket the president's head back and to the left and violating the laws of physics. You would have to believe Tom Robinson lied about his observations at the autopsy when he saw Humes sawing on the president's head BEFORE THE AUTOPSY FORMALLY BEGAN. But big picture, you would have to be in total denial concerning the number of powerful people who wanted JFK dead. Instead, Chapman buys the moronic story concocted by American traitor Arlen Bleeping Specter who not only foisted the imbecilic SBT on the public and threatened witnesses who reported anything contrary to his dumb ass theory.

 Then there's the dictabelt. What I find fascinating is that those who try to discredit the tapes can't explain why, if the assassination is synchronized with the Zapruder film head shot, every movement on the film corresponds to a an impulse on the dictabelt. Guess that's just a coincidence, right? But the tapes reflect at least four impulses and some believe there could be as many as seven shots. Some shots could have occurred at the same instant or silencers could have been employed. This makes so much more sense given the TOTALITY of the evidence than the absolutely ludicrous three shot scenario. Again, if "Lee Hardly" is the assassin, why aren't there exit wounds on the front of JFK's body? Can't wait to see the reaction...

Wow. Have you swallowed the kool-ade. Get all this crap from all those books you read? Firstly, please, tell us all who these “professional” assassins might be. Must be more than one as you used a plural. Then, tell us all where they were within Dealey Plaza.
Frangible bullets? Laughable. No evidence to support this. You then claim ”some shots could have occurred at the same instant OR silencers could have been employed”. To you, this is EVIDENCE. Couda, woulda, shuda. Typical 56 year old conspiracy crap. Btw, the word “silencers”, much like your postings is an invention of Hollywood. It’s called a “suppressor” to those who understand. Regarding exit wounds, one in the neck, one in the head. You are hopefully aware John Tunheim, U.S.District Judge who chaired the ARRB said the following: It seems most unlikely the Warren Commission got it right when it concluded that a single bullet traveled through JFK’s upper back, lung and throat, nicked his tie, traveled on into Texas Gov. John Connelly’s back, out his chest, into and then back out of his wrist and finally into his thigh – “completely unscathed,” Tunheim noted. The nick in the tie is relevant as to the direction of CE-399 as the fibers pointed outward indicating the bullet traversed JFK’s neck back to front. Doug Horne is a nut. You joined his club.

Offline Paul May

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May is tired, always yawning when presented with the truth. I don't care about your irrelevant questions. You are basing your conclusions on tainted evidence with no legitimate chain of possession in many cases. Calling me a neophyte is yet another false claim. I would debate you any time and you would be destroyed in seconds...

Ah, your ego is damaged. How sad. The questions asked of your are relevant to the readers of this blog. I surely understand why you refuse to answer. You can’t. You have little time. You’re reading books seeking confirmation bias. Sad again. You cannot debate using a false premise. Each thing you post.....”multiple assassins” is one example. You claim it’s YOUR truth. Prove it to the readers. I challenge you. Show us some original research on your part. You’re actually worse than a neophyte. You appear to be ignorant to the basic known facts of this case. You’re entertaining. You determine in your own mind what happened reading all these books you claim to read, throw out all of the data that doesn’t fit your conclusion and then hail your findings as the only possible solution. You’re a hoot.

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