I think the best explanation is that Shelley/Lovelady spent 3 to 4 minutes outside the TSBD (as they claim in their testimonies) and then began to make their way down the dead-end street towards the railroad yard.
Mr Shelley's 11/22 affidavit states he ran out towards the 'island' and bumped into Ms Calvery. Not an encounter he would have been likely to misremember---------just a few months before he had been
best man at her wedding! His WC testimony constitutes a blatant change of story.
It seems v. likely that Mr Lovelady remained on the steps that Mr Shelley had just left. (A little while later that day, Mr Lovelady would tell Mr James Jarman that he saw Mr Oswald confronted by a police officer at the front door-----and cleared by Mr Roy Truly. Postal Inspector Harry D. Holmes heard Mr Oswald tell Captain Fritz about this same front-of-house incident.)
Now! Compare Mr Lovelady in Wiegman with Mr Yellow-Arrow in Darnell-----------------------

Looks a heck of a lot like the same guy, no?