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Author Topic: If Oswald Was The Assassin, Did He Plan His Escape From The TSBD Very Well?  (Read 130854 times)

Online Dan O'meara

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Dan, I have published for many years about the chicken lunch and the lies of Williams, Norman and Jarman regarding his movements. You will find there are about half a dozen police officers who described the remnants of chicken lunch in the SN before the arrival of Will Fritz. Gerry Hill was described in No More Silence by a reporter friend as yelling down to those on the street below about the lunch and holding it up.

The significance is that Rowland had already described a gunman in the SW window of the 6th floor to his wife at about 12.15. The owner of the lunch and a gunman were on the floor at the same time and in The southern corner windows of the 6th floor.

Williams initially tried to remove himself from that floor at lunchtime entirely in his statement. No doubt he realised the lunch was felt to be the assassin's. He would eventually have to own up but to his fortune the chicken was put in the bag and moved westward minutes after the shots, initially by Hill. By the time of his first interview Oswald was in custody. Within two days he was dead. By that time the lone Commie nut assassin story was taking shape nicely.

Jarman and Norman tried to claim Williams took the elevator up with them tight up until March when they testified. Suddenly there were only two on their way up to the fifth at about 12.20.
Weeks of crawling through the quagmire have got me to the same point with one refinement - the trigger for Norman and Jarman to make their way back to the TSBD is overhearing on a radio the motorcade had turned onto Main St. Nailing down this time specifically gives us an excellent idea of when they got to the fifth floor. Read somewhere a second-hand account of something in "Reclaiming History" this time was 12:23 but would really like to nail it down. It tallies with Jarman's WCT that they were stood outside until "12:20 to 12:25" and arriving at the elevators "12:25 to 12:28". I believe, for reasons stated above, BRW arrives at the fifth floor window seconds before the motorcade turns onto Houston after abandoning his lunch, which has him in the SN as late as 12:29 which would surely be at the same time as the shooter.
The reason BRW had to own up to the lunch is becasue his fingerprints must have been all over the bottle but we never get to find this out:

Mr. DAY. Yes, sir; there was a sack of some chicken bones and a bottle brought into the identification bureau. I think I still have that sack and bottle down there. The chicken bones, I finally threw them away that laid around there. In my talking to the men who were working on that floor, November 25, they stated, one of them stated, he had eaten lunch over there.
Mr. McCLOY. Someone other than Oswald?
Mr. DAY. Yes, sir; so I discarded it, or disconnected it with being with Oswald. Incidentally, Oswald's fingerprints were not on the bottle. I checked that.
Mr. McCLOY. They were not on the bottle?
Mr. DAY. No, sir.

The next question must surely be "Whose fingerprints did you find on it? Guess what...?

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Offline Alan Ford

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Mr. DAY. Yes, sir; so I discarded it, or disconnected it with being with Oswald. Incidentally, Oswald's fingerprints were not on the bottle. I checked that.
Mr. McCLOY. They were not on the bottle?
Mr. DAY. No, sir.

Reminds one of something else found in the Depository that Lt. Day had to check for Mr Oswald's fingerprints!

Offline Alan Ford

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Friends, I still maintain that we ignore Mr Rowland's actual description of the 'elderly Negro' at our peril, not least this part------------

"Had on a plaid shirt. I think it was red and green, very bright color, that is why I remember it."

The evidence shows that the 'investigating' authorities saw the problem and tried hard to establish that he was either Mr Eddie Piper or Mr Troy West. Once it became clear that no Depository employee could be served up as an explanation for what Mr Rowland saw, they went on to Plan B: discredit Mr Rowland's character. This was the only recourse left to them if they wanted to neutralize a giveaway sighting of a non-employee on the sixth floor just 15 minutes before the assassination.


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Offline Colin Crow

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Friends, I still maintain that we ignore Mr Rowland's actual description of the 'elderly Negro' at our peril, not least this part------------

"Had on a plaid shirt. I think it was red and green, very bright color, that is why I remember it."

The evidence shows that the 'investigating' authorities saw the problem and tried hard to establish that he was either Mr Eddie Piper or Mr Troy West. Once it became clear that no Depository employee could be served up as an explanation for what Mr Rowland saw, they went on to Plan B: discredit Mr Rowland's character. This was the only recourse left to them if they wanted to neutralize a giveaway sighting of a non-employee on the sixth floor just 15 minutes before the assassination.


Alan what colour would you describe Williams' shirt that day? If it was Piper (or anyone else) why would Williams agree to get him to change his story? Also Norman and Jarman seem to be left out until months later. Surely they are key to Williams' timing too.

Offline Gerry Down

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Reminds one of something else found in the Depository that Lt. Day had to check for Mr Oswald's fingerprints!

Large sections of this document have not been filled in. Reminds me of the large sections of the autopsy face sheet which have been left black too. This tells me this document is not an original but a cover for hiding something.

The package Oswald carried in to the TSBD was only 27 inches long. It can't be ruled out that Oswald being set up that day and was told to bring in curtain rods and then when he realized he had been set up he denied bringing in curtain rods, thus ironically making him look guilty.

Both Randle and Frazier said the package was only 27 inches long.

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Offline Alan Ford

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Alan what colour would you describe Williams' shirt that day?

Dull green. Uniform color. I.e. not plaid, not a mixture of green and red, not a mixture of any other colors. Not the shirt Mr Rowland remembered. The only elements in Mr Rowland's description that match Mr Williams are sex, race and thinness. The rest just doesn't fit!

If it was Piper (or anyone else) why would Williams agree to get him to change his story?

Why would Mr Williams have to do any such thing?

Also Norman and Jarman seem to be left out until months later. Surely they are key to Williams' timing too.

Well, until January, at the latest. I think they simply acceded to his panicked request to cover for him.


Offline Alan Ford

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The package Oswald carried in to the TSBD was only 27 inches long.

Ms Randle and Mr Frazier's length estimates are an uncanny match for the curtain rods' length (27.5 inches, 27.6 inches------as marked on the rods themselves that Lt. Day received for fingerprinting)!  Thumb1:

It can't be ruled out that Oswald being set up that day and was told to bring in curtain rods and then when he realized he had been set up he denied bringing in curtain rods, thus ironically making him look guilty.

The scenario you describe, Mr Down, can very much be ruled INThumb1:

Offline Colin Crow

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Dull green. Uniform color. I.e. not plaid, not a mixture of green and red, not a mixture of any other colors. Not the shirt Mr Rowland remembered. The only elements in Mr Rowland's description that match Mr Williams are sex, race and thinness. The rest just doesn't fit!

Why would Mr Williams have to do any such thing?

Well, until January, at the latest. I think they simply acceded to his panicked request to cover for him.


You do know Williams ate something other than chicken that day.....

Mr. BALL. Did you have anything else in your lunch besides chicken?
Mr. WILLIAMS. I had a bag of Fritos, I believe it was.

Anyone know the bright colours on a Fritos bag in 1963?

« Last Edit: July 29, 2020, 04:14:16 PM by Colin Crow »

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