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Author Topic: If Oswald Was The Assassin, Did He Plan His Escape From The TSBD Very Well?  (Read 129327 times)

Offline Paul May

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You're preaching to the choir, dude.


--  MWT  ;)

Not preaching Tom. Explaining a position in response to subject thread.

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Offline Thomas Graves

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Not preaching Tom. Explaining a position in response to subject thread.

But, as luck would have it, in reply to my post?

--  MWT ;)

(Please don't dissemble, shirk, dodge and/or temporize like Trump and Barr, et al.)
« Last Edit: June 07, 2020, 06:43:37 PM by Thomas Graves »

Offline Paul May

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But, as luck would have it, in reply to my post?

--  MWT ;)

(Please don't dissemble, shirk, dodge and/or temporize like Trump and Barr, et al.)


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Online Charles Collins

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Seems to me he did, especially if he bought the Coke beforehand in order to use it as a prop all the way, if necessary.

Carrying the already-opened Coke, get to the Second Floor Lunch Room and hang out there, expecting to be encountered ("No, I didn't hear any shots," or "I work here"), when they leave, walk through Mrs. Reid's office to its front door and exit through it, walk down the wooden steps to the front floor, maybe hang out in the "lobby" for a few seconds, then walk to the rear of the building and exit it through the loading dock door.

Instead of looking suspicious by immediately walking or running away from the building, walk along the side of the building towards the front (as alleged by B. W. F.), cross over to the other side of the street, ... and, well, "take it from there".

--  MWT  ;)

LHO tried to blend in with others as best he could. But I don't believe that he had a well-planned escape figured out very much ahead of time. It might be coincidence, but then again perhaps not, that he fired three shots (he was reportedly fascinated with the number three) and then had one shot left in the rifle to potentially shoot anyone who tried to stop him while he was still on the sixth floor. He was smart enough to ditch the rifle when he did so he wouldn't become an obvious target for armed law enforcement officers (who were plentiful all around the TSBD). We have the reports of witnesses who testified that they saw LHO leaving the TSBD and on the bus, cab, rooming house, Tippit murder  scene, leaving the Tippit murder scene, shoe store entrance, and the Texas Theater. Tippit most likely noticed something about LHO that drew his attention to him. I think that it could have simply been a hurried pace, or maybe even that LHO saw the cab parked on the corner of Patton and 10th and raised his hand in an attempt to hail a cab. If he did, and Tippit mistakenly thought LHO was trying to get his attention, that might also explain why Tippit pulled over to the curb. I don't see any obvious escape plan in his reported behavior after the JFK shooting. Going to his room, apparently to get the pistol, is the only act that appears to me might have been planned ahead of time. And even that act wouldn't have been necessary if he had truly well-planned an escape far enough ahead of time. So to answer your question, no I do not believe that he planned an escape very well at all.

Offline Jim Brunsman

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Sorry Tommy, I don't accept the original premise of your question. I don't believe Oswald shot anyone on 11/22/63 and I believe the real assassins wanted us to obsess about such matters, in order to divert attention from the real killers. I have been to the building in question and I will try to answer your specious question with more questions. Let's say "Lee Hardly" just killed the most powerful man on the planet (without any apparent motive). How long did it take him just to hide the rifle? Then he had to descend several flights of steps to arrive at the lunchroom in time to encounter Baker. Maybe he could have done this but I think it very unlikely. But the evidence seems stronger that he was on the lower floors during the actual killing.

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Offline Thomas Graves

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Sorry Tommy, I don't accept the original premise of your question. I don't believe Oswald shot anyone on 11/22/63 and I believe the real assassins wanted us to obsess about such matters, in order to divert attention from the real killers. I have been to the building in question and I will try to answer your specious question with more questions. Let's say "Lee Hardly" just killed the most powerful man on the planet (without any apparent motive). How long did it take him just to hide the rifle? Then he had to descend several flights of steps to arrive at the lunchroom in time to encounter Baker. Maybe he could have done this but I think it very unlikely. But the evidence seems stronger that he was on the lower floors during the actual killing.

Dear James,

Well, in that case I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, huh?

If you're up for it, that is.

--  MWT   Walk:
« Last Edit: June 07, 2020, 08:15:40 PM by Thomas Graves »

Offline Paul May

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Sorry Tommy, I don't accept the original premise of your question. I don't believe Oswald shot anyone on 11/22/63 and I believe the real assassins wanted us to obsess about such matters, in order to divert attention from the real killers. I have been to the building in question and I will try to answer your specious question with more questions. Let's say "Lee Hardly" just killed the most powerful man on the planet (without any apparent motive). How long did it take him just to hide the rifle? Then he had to descend several flights of steps to arrive at the lunchroom in time to encounter Baker. Maybe he could have done this but I think it very unlikely. But the evidence seems stronger that he was on the lower floors during the actual killing.

Jim, 3 shells (hulls) we’re found in the sniper area. 3 witnesses on the floor below heard the shells hit the floor. The weapon ballistically tied to the shooting was traced back to Oswald. Backyard photos prove that. If not Oswald, who was in the snipers nest pulling the trigger?

Offline Jim Brunsman

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For starters, there are multiple photos of the crime scene where the spent shells are in different positions. This proves nothing except tampering with evidence, which we see all over this case. Provide the evidence that puts Oswald in that window, firing any shots. Who was up there? Did the person in this window actually hit anyone with the "humanitarian weapon"? There is evidence of shooters from behind, but likely in other locations, since the trajectories don't line up with the TSBD. The backyard photos are extremely suspicious and not something I would use to buttress any arguments. Nearly every piece of evidence in the case has dubious origins and in many cases the chain of possession is shattered. If Oswald was the killer, all the evidence would fit together perfectly. Nothing of the sort is evident in this case. From the badgering of witnesses by Specter and Belin, to the murdering of witnesses who saw things contrary to the official story, there's an endless amount of contradictory evidence. I think it's a tremendous injustice that Oswald was framed for this. Instead of focusing on the real culprits, so many were led down the primrose path. This was clearly a political assassination orchestrated by LBJ, Hoover, and others since they both had much to gain by JFK's death and they are responsible for the cover-up.
  I don't know any serious researchers who believe there were only three shots fired. It ignores the testimony of too many witnesses and common sense. Even the pathetic HSCA concluded at least four shots were fired, and there's evidence of several more. First let's look at the Silly bullet theory. We know from the autopsy witnesses that the entire theory is totally impossible since the back shot did not exit. How is this shot a threat to Connally? So that's one shot. Then there are multiple wounds from the rear on Connally. Was this one bullet or two? The other is the entrance wound in JFK's throat. This is another bullet that apparently didn't exit. But there's much more evidence to consider. What about the dent in the chrome of the limousine? The Tague wounding. The hole in the windshield (which is not seen until after the head shots). Other reports suggest at least a couple of missed shots (one in the grass, another in the street). Then there's the head shots. Seems from the medical evidence that there were at least two head shots and one was from the front at the right temple according to multiple witnesses. The Zapruder and Nix films show the president's head moving violently back and to the left. There's a massive hole in the right rear of the head that was covered up. Multiple eyewitnesses reported shots from the knoll. Photographic evidence shows a huge crowd of witnesses running up the knoll afterward. I'd love to see the "explanations" for this overwhelming evidence of multiple shooters. It's the totality of the evidence that's compelling to me.

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