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Author Topic: If Oswald Was The Assassin, Did He Plan His Escape From The TSBD Very Well?  (Read 129306 times)

Offline Jim Brunsman

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Tommy, the confusion is all yours. Not sure why you isolated two researchers I know little about. Frankly, another astoundingly irrelevant response...

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Offline Paul May

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Tommy, the confusion is all yours. Not sure why you isolated two researchers I know little about. Frankly, another astoundingly irrelevant response...

As you tend to rely heavily on witness testimony, I’ll suggest to you an experiment. Take EVERY witness, pro or con OUT of the event. Now, rely ONLY on ballistic and medical evidence. Who’s the shooter?

Offline Bill Chapman

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As you tend to rely heavily on witness testimony, I’ll suggest to you an experiment. Take EVERY witness, pro or con OUT of the event. Now, rely ONLY on ballistic and medical evidence. Who’s the shooter?

Dirty Harvey

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Offline Jim Brunsman

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  Eliminating eyewitness testimony and relying on the false medical evidence is not an effective way to find the truth. The medical evidence in this case is totally fraudulent and it has taken researchers decades to get the real story. We don't know who the real killers were with any certainty. However, it wasn't Oswald, unless he manifested a second body to the right front of the president.  See Douglas Horne's important research on the medical evidence for some very disturbing research. How do you reconcile the false autopsy photos with the testimony of the vast majority of the witnesses who clearly stated there was a large hole in the back of the head? Not one bit of the medical evidence makes any sense. Look at how the HSCA struggled with the medical evidence. There were several pieces of metal found in the president's body at the autopsy that were reported by a reputable witness with no reason to prevaricate (Dennis David).

 If "Lee Hardly" was the assassin, everything would be extremely clear and no cover-up would not be necessary. We would see exit wounds on the front of the body, right? Where are these exit wounds? Instead, the entire case is riddled with jaw dropping inconsistencies, witness intimidation, and several murders of vital witnesses. Just one example: why would LBJ call Parkland Hospital to coerce Dr. Crenshaw into wrestling a death bed confession from the dying Oswald? Also the medical evidence includes the SBT, which is impossible for several reasons, yet lone nutters continue to stubbornly embrace this moronic theory. Arlen Specter deserves a lot of scorn, not only for the monstrous lie of the SBT, but also for threatening and deliberately changing witness testimony that contradicted the false government account of the shooting.

Another thing...some folks seem to believe that since the real assassins weren't caught, they don't exist. In truth, the assassination was a huge success, since a patsy was framed and the real assassins escaped. The obvious political reasons for the assassination were silenced and the world hasn't been the same since.

Offline Paul May

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  Eliminating eyewitness testimony and relying on the false medical evidence is not an effective way to find the truth. The medical evidence in this case is totally fraudulent and it has taken researchers decades to get the real story. We don't know who the real killers were with any certainty. However, it wasn't Oswald, unless he manifested a second body to the right front of the president.  See Douglas Horne's important research on the medical evidence for some very disturbing research. How do you reconcile the false autopsy photos with the testimony of the vast majority of the witnesses who clearly stated there was a large hole in the back of the head? Not one bit of the medical evidence makes any sense. Look at how the HSCA struggled with the medical evidence. There were several pieces of metal found in the president's body at the autopsy that were reported by a reputable witness with no reason to prevaricate (Dennis David).

 If "Lee Hardly" was the assassin, everything would be extremely clear and no cover-up would not be necessary. We would see exit wounds on the front of the body, right? Where are these exit wounds? Instead, the entire case is riddled with jaw dropping inconsistencies, witness intimidation, and several murders of vital witnesses. Just one example: why would LBJ call Parkland Hospital to coerce Dr. Crenshaw into wrestling a death bed confession from the dying Oswald? Also the medical evidence includes the SBT, which is impossible for several reasons, yet lone nutters continue to stubbornly embrace this moronic theory. Arlen Specter deserves a lot of scorn, not only for the monstrous lie of the SBT, but also for threatening and deliberately changing witness testimony that contradicted the false government account of the shooting.

Another thing...some folks seem to believe that since the real assassins weren't caught, they don't exist. In truth, the assassination was a huge success, since a patsy was framed and the real assassins escaped. The obvious political reasons for the assassination were silenced and the world hasn't been the same since.

False medical evidence? This is your response after 56 years? Everything, I mean EVERYTHING you suggest is utter speculation. Then to top it off you bring up Doug Horne. Remarkable. Jeremy Gunn, Horne’s boss at the ARRB when asked if he read Horne’s “report” stated “I don’t read anything written by Doug Horne”. What I find astounding is you present the exact same nonsense prospered for 56+ years. It appears if something is unexplainable to you it’s automatically nefarious and part of some vast conspiracy which remains unproven. This is the very reason I’ve stopped communicating with many conspiracy types. To be fair, there may very well have been a conspiracy at play, yet you cannot prove it nor can anybody else. History has spoken. Oswald was the Dude.

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Offline Jim Brunsman

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Wrong as always. Since when is consistent eyewitness testimony "speculation?" Did you actually read Horne's research? If you didn't, it makes you look pretty bad. Why do you feel the need to bring Jeremy Gunn into the conversation in a rather troubling effort to discredit Horne? That kind of tactic doesn't work on me. If you have some examples of Horne's mistakes, I would like to see them. If you haven't read his research, you owe him a public apology.

Also, don't lump me in with anyone else, since I synthesize research from many sources before offering my opinions on a public forum. I've been studying the case since junior high school and I've carefully read books on both sides of the issue. As always, you challenge none of the pertinent issues, but just do an extremely lazy drive by at Oswald at the end. Challenging what I write without specifics is also worthless. Saying "history has spoken" is exactly what I am here to fight.  You have produced nothing to make me believe LHO shot anyone on 11/22/63. When challenged, you produce no evidence whatsoever, only insults and obfuscation. How about some substance for once?

Offline Jim Brunsman

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Here's Chapman with another brilliant, thoughtful and detailed account of how the shooting came down. Nice work!

Offline John Iacoletti

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Jim, 3 shells (hulls) we’re found in the sniper area. 3 witnesses on the floor below heard the shells hit the floor. The weapon ballistically tied to the shooting was traced back to Oswald. Backyard photos prove that.

The backyard photos don’t prove anything of the kind.

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