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Author Topic: If Oswald Was The Assassin, Did He Plan His Escape From The TSBD Very Well?  (Read 130808 times)

Offline Jim Brunsman

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Tommy, please tell the forum the relevance of the president's back brace and tell us one reputable scientist who will put his name behind a "neuromuscular reaction."

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Offline Jim Brunsman

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Paul May is a very gullible person. He believes the most unscientific nonsense and berates anyone who has the audacity to provide evidence contrary to his impossible beliefs. But his understanding of the case is very poor, which is why little of substance comes from his posts. His ability to understand simple logic and the preponderance of the evidence is pathetic. But he's good at trying to bully those who challenge him on his nonsensical views. Guess that's what this site is all about. Again, not happening on my watch.

Offline Thomas Graves

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Done with the Gemberling report?

The Gemberling Report?

Is that something like Leonard V. McCoy's report about Nosenko, the "KGB defector" who said the KGB had had nothing to do with Oswald in the USSR?

Hmm ... The Gemberling Report?

Was it approved by Aleksey Kulak or George Kisevalter?

Bruce Solie?

John L. Hart?

--  MWT  ;)
« Last Edit: June 12, 2020, 01:38:47 AM by Thomas Graves »

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Offline Thomas Graves

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Gemberling, FBI.

Irreversible KGB obsession confirmed.


Poor, poor Otto.

--  MWT  ;)

PS  Is that a promise?
« Last Edit: June 12, 2020, 06:17:40 AM by Thomas Graves »

Offline John Mytton

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Suspected I might have had them switched (Von P and JohnM)...........,57.240.html

What a shock, another dumbass Kook who can't research his way out of a wet paper bag.


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Online Richard Smith

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Seems to me he did, especially if he bought the Coke beforehand in order to use it as a prop all the way, if necessary.

Carrying the already-opened Coke, get to the Second Floor Lunch Room and hang out there, expecting to be encountered ("No, I didn't hear any shots," or "I work here"), when they leave, walk through Mrs. Reid's office to its front door and exit through it, walk down the wooden steps to the front floor, maybe hang out in the "lobby" for a few seconds, then walk to the rear of the building and exit it through the loading dock door.

Instead of looking suspicious by immediately walking or running away from the building, walk along the side of the building towards the front (as alleged by B. W. F.), cross over to the other side of the street, ... and, well, "take it from there".

--  MWT  ;)

Oswald was a reasonably intelligent person.  He may have had mental issues but he was not delusional.  As a result, he understood that the act of assassinating the President of the United States in broad daylight in the presence of law enforcement entailed his own death or arrest.  There was no escaping from that act.  That doesn't mean, as some CTers stupidly suggest, that Oswald would have just sat down and waited to be arrested because he had no realistic hope of getting away.  He did what most criminals do.  He kept moving and played out his hand for as long as he could.  He had nothing to lose by doing that.  Perhaps he entertained some fantasy of reaching Cuba via Mexico and seeking asylum from Castro but the fact that Oswald left most of his money with Marina that morning lends itself to the conclusion that he expected to be arrested or killed. 

His exit from the TSBD mostly involved getting off the 6th floor.  Fortunately for him there was no one else there.  So that didn't prove very difficult.  Then he becomes just another employee in the building until he can discretely exit.  Which is what happened.  Oswald blends in because he belongs in that building.  His boss vouches for him when he is approached by the police.  That is another factor that lends itself to the conclusion that there were no fantasy conspirators roaming about the TSBD planting evidence and killing JFK.  They would have been noticed.  Whereas Oswald had a reason for being there that made it easier for him to commit the act and then get away.

Online Dan O'meara

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When the "reasonably intelligent" LHO was confronted by police seconds after the shooting and found to be calmly sipping a coke on the second floor he would have recognised, as "most criminals" would, what a godsend that was, the next best thing to a solid alibi. "Most criminals" would instantly realise the way to play it is to hang around and tell everyone he'd been seen on the second floor seconds after the shooting by his boss and the police. Instead he chooses to slip out without telling anyone knowing it would make him the prime suspect. If LHO was the sole assassin he deliberately spurned his golden opportunity of an 'alibi' and chose to incriminate himself. He also chose to incriminate himself by carrying in his wallet false ID that linked him to the murder weapon, something "most criminals" and "reasonably intelligent" would definitely not do. Think about that. He knew he'd have to leave the weapon behind so he carried false ID on him linking him to the weapon.
Lastly, if LHO was the lone sniper he would've took the shot with the limo coming towards him down Houston Street. Put yourself in his position, a clear head shot as the target moves slowly towards you or a shot through the trees as he moves away? If you are "reasonably intelligent" the answer is unavoidable.

Offline Thomas Graves

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When the "reasonably intelligent" LHO was confronted by police seconds after the shooting and found to be calmly sipping a coke on the second floor he would have recognised, as "most criminals" would, what a godsend that was, the next best thing to a solid alibi. "Most criminals" would instantly realise the way to play it is to hang around and tell everyone he'd been seen on the second floor seconds after the shooting by his boss and the police. Instead he chooses to slip out without telling anyone knowing it would make him the prime suspect. If LHO was the sole assassin he deliberately spurned his golden opportunity of an 'alibi' and chose to incriminate himself. He also chose to incriminate himself by carrying in his wallet false ID that linked him to the murder weapon, something "most criminals" and "reasonably intelligent" would definitely not do. Think about that. He knew he'd have to leave the weapon behind so he carried false ID on him linking him to the weapon.
Lastly, if LHO was the lone sniper he would've took the shot with the limo coming towards him down Houston Street. Put yourself in his position, a clear head shot as the target moves slowly towards you or a shot through the trees as he moves away? If you are "reasonably intelligent" the answer is unavoidable.

Dear Dan,

*would've taken

Regardless, why would he make himself relatively easy for the Secret Service, the police and the spectators to spot as the objects of their attention -- JFK and Jackie -- were moving towards him?

Why would he increase his risk being shot while he, himself, was in the action of shooting?

--  MWT  ;)
« Last Edit: June 14, 2020, 05:29:40 PM by Thomas Graves »

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