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Author Topic: If Oswald Was The Assassin, Did He Plan His Escape From The TSBD Very Well?  (Read 129930 times)

Offline Bill Chapman

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12:30 iirc

The motorcade was scheduled to enter Dealey Plaza at 12:10 p.m., followed by a 12:15 p.m. arrival at the Trade Mart

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Online Charles Collins

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The arrival at the Trade Mart was scheduled to be 30 minutes before the parade came through Dealey Plaza?
That is some bizarre timing don't you think?
The parade came past the book building some 40 minutes late or is that beyond your comprehension?

You appear to be confused. Warren Commission report, page 49, “Just prior to the shooting, David F. Powers, riding in the Secret Service followup car, remarked to Kenneth O’Donnell that it was 12:30 p.m., the time they were due at the Trade Mart.”

They were about five minutes behind schedule. Comprende?

Offline Thomas Graves

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Third, a huge problem with the WC's account is that if Oswald was only one foot past the foyer door when Baker spotted him, as Baker belatedly claimed, then Roy Truly, who was running ahead of Baker, surely would have seen Oswald either coming off the stairs, or walking across the landing toward the door, or opening the door. The Commission itself admitted that Oswald must have gone through the foyer door only "a second or two" before being spotted by Baker:

But the Commission never explained how Oswald could have done this. If Oswald had gone through the foyer door before Truly reached the top of the stairs, he would have been several feet beyond the door by the time Baker reached the landing, and thus would not have been visible to Baker through the window. And, if Oswald had entered the door "only a second or two" before Baker reached the top of the stairwell, then Truly could not have missed seeing him.



Unless, of course, Oswald lingered inside the foyer-vestibule for a few seconds after entering it and was maybe even peeking back out through the window in the door ("Who's that I hear stomping up the stairs?") enabling Baker to catch a glimpse of him as he quickly turned away and started walking into the lunch room proper (with his bottle-of-Coke prop), especially if Baker  swung super-wide in that direction as he turned towards the stairs that led up to the third floor.

Oswald could even have been peeking through the window while Truly was very briefly on the second floor's landing a few seconds earlier.

After all, it was later determined that it would only have taken Oswald about one minute to leave the sniper's nest, stash the carbine, and get to the second-floor lunchroon, arriving there very probably several seconds before Truly emerged from the stairwell onto the second floor's landing.

--  MWT   Walk:
« Last Edit: June 21, 2020, 08:46:14 PM by Thomas Graves »

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Offline Bill Chapman

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The arrival at the Trade Mart was scheduled to be 30 minutes before the parade came through Dealey Plaza?
That is some bizarre timing don't you think?
The parade came past the book building some 40 minutes late or is that beyond your comprehension?

You do the math:

Offline Jerry Freeman

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You do the math:
There was never any 'scheduled time to enter Dealey Plaza". An historical afterthought [not a predicted] timeline...and it is still off-- 
The original schedule was for the president to proceed in a long motorcade from Love Field through downtown Dallas, and end at the Dallas Business and Trade Mart. The motorcade was scheduled to enter Dealey Plaza at 12:10 p.m.,   
The Dallas Morning News on Nov 22 stated that The presidents itinerary had him arriving at the Trade Mart at 12 noon.
An approximation to be sure.
So the question could anyone possibly know the actual progress of the motorcade? [unless they had a police radio]
 Keep dancing though!

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Offline Colin Crow

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The motorcade was scheduled to enter Dealey Plaza at 12:10 p.m., followed by a 12:15 p.m. arrival at the Trade Mart

So why did Buell ask Shelley if the workers could break early for lunch so they could see the motorcade. The sixth floor crew did in fact break to go down about 5-10 minutes early (the elevator race).

Online Charles Collins

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So why did Buell ask Shelley if the workers could break early for lunch so they could see the motorcade. The sixth floor crew did in fact break to go down about 5-10 minutes early (the elevator race).

Colin, Julian Read (close aide to JBC) in his book “JFK’s Final Hours in Texas,” includes a copy of the official white house press schedule for the Texas trip. (See appendix A, beginning on page 189). It says: “12:30 p.m.  President arrives Trade Mart ...”

Offline Colin Crow

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Colin, Julian Read (close aide to JBC) in his book “JFK’s Final Hours in Texas,” includes a copy of the official white house press schedule for the Texas trip. (See appendix A, beginning on page 189). It says: “12:30 p.m.  President arrives Trade Mart ...”

So why did Buell ask Shelley if the workers could break early for lunch so they could see the motorcade. The sixth floor crew did in fact break to go down about 5-10 minutes early (the elevator race).

You understand that importance of Frazier thinking that? Do you dispute the elevator race took place earlier than they normally broke for lunch?

When did the TSBD employees believe the motorcade was due?

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