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Author Topic: If Oswald Was The Assassin, Did He Plan His Escape From The TSBD Very Well?  (Read 129905 times)

Online Charles Collins

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Charles, save yourself some time:
Brennan confirmed/corroborated/substantiated/verified/authenticated/validated the 12:22-12:24 time window.

You know these guys: If a witness doesn't use the exact same words in, say, an affidavit as opposed to a later, fuller statement or testimony; why then he must be lying.

Yeah, I know. No one has ever changed anyone’s opinion around here. Except maybe on a minor point or two. Which I consider this to be. He asked for evidence of LHO being in the sniper’s nest during this time period. And has failed to show that it just couldn’t be true. By the way, I checked google maps app and found that the distance between the intersection of Main and Record Streets and the sport where Brennan sat is 476 feet and (you guessed it) is a two-minute walk. That gives Brennan (you guessed it) two minutes to stop along the way to view the seizure event and still make it to his spot in the 4-minutes that he testified to.

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Offline Martin Weidmann

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Yeah, I know. No one has ever changed anyone’s opinion around here. Except maybe on a minor point or two. Which I consider this to be. He asked for evidence of LHO being in the sniper’s nest during this time period. And has failed to show that it just couldn’t be true. By the way, I checked google maps app and found that the distance between the intersection of Main and Record Streets and the sport where Brennan sat is 476 feet and (you guessed it) is a two-minute walk. That gives Brennan (you guessed it) two minutes to stop along the way to view the seizure event and still make it to his spot in the 4-minutes that he testified to.

He asked for evidence of LHO being in the sniper’s nest during this time period.

There is no evidence at all to show that Oswald was in the sniper's nest between 12 en 12.25. Brennan never identified Oswald as the person he allegedly saw between 12.22 and 12.24. You can believe all you want that Oswald was there, but what you believe is not evidence.

The only thing we know about the 6th floor between 12 and 12.25 is that (1) Bonnie Ray Williams was there and saw nobody and (2) that Brennan said he saw somebody in the window, without being able to identify that person. Brennan's time estimate is just that... an estimate. Beyond that all you've got is speculation, assumption and belief and that ain't much!
« Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 08:52:06 PM by Martin Weidmann »

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Third, a huge problem with the WC's account is that if Oswald was only one foot past the foyer door when Baker spotted him, as Baker belatedly claimed, then Roy Truly, who was running ahead of Baker, surely would have seen Oswald either coming off the stairs, or walking across the landing toward the door, or opening the door. The Commission itself admitted that Oswald must have gone through the foyer door only "a second or two" before being spotted by Baker:

But the Commission never explained how Oswald could have done this. If Oswald had gone through the foyer door before Truly reached the top of the stairs, he would have been several feet beyond the door by the time Baker reached the landing, and thus would not have been visible to Baker through the window. And, if Oswald had entered the door "only a second or two" before Baker reached the top of the stairwell, then Truly could not have missed seeing him.



Unless, of course, Oswald lingered inside the foyer-vestibule for a few seconds after entering it and was maybe even peeking back out through the window in the door ("Who's that I hear stomping up the stairs?") enabling Baker to catch a glimpse of him as he quickly turned away and started walking into the lunch room proper (with his bottle-of-Coke prop), especially if Baker  swung super-wide in that direction as he turned towards the stairs that led up to the third floor.

Oswald could even have been peeking through the window while Truly was very briefly on the second floor's landing a few seconds earlier.

After all, it was later determined that it would only have taken Oswald about one minute to leave the sniper's nest, stash the carbine, and get to the second-floor lunchroon, arriving there very probably several seconds before Truly emerged from the stairwell onto the second floor's landing.

No such thing was ever determined. The WC had to severely rig its reenactment just to barely get Oswald there in time to be seen by Baker, and the reenactment ignored the problem of Oswald's not being seen or heard by anybody who was on or near those stairs at the time. Please read this article:

Additionally, we should keep in mind that the men watching the motorcade from fifth-floor windows beneath the sniper's nest said they heard no movement above them after the shots were fired, and they were separated from the nest only by thin plywood floor boarding that had cracks between the planks. One of them said he could hear a rifle bolt operating and shells hitting the floor above them during the shooting--yet, again, these men heard no movement above them after the shots were fired. This is exactly what we would expect from snipers who knew they had no need to hurriedly leave either the sniper's nest or the floor.

We should also remember that plaza witnesses described seeing two men who appeared to be fleeing from the Book Depository, but WC apologists have ignored their accounts because they don't fit the lone-gunman scenario.

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Offline Colin Crow

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Yeah, I know. No one has ever changed anyone’s opinion around here. Except maybe on a minor point or two. Which I consider this to be. He asked for evidence of LHO being in the sniper’s nest during this time period. And has failed to show that it just couldn’t be true.

Who asked for evidence of Oswald being in the SN during what time period?

And as for no one ever changing anyone's opinion......

"Quote from: John Mytton on 15 September 2018, 12:46:41
C'mon Colin we have debated this before, correct me if I'm wrong but where this is going is that you believe that Williams actually saw the killer and that's why they all lied, and as I remember I agreed with you and said that Williams must have seen Oswald and then you disagreed that it was Oswald, am I right?


Online Charles Collins

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Who asked for evidence of Oswald being in the SN during what time period?

And as for no one ever changing anyone's opinion......

"Quote from: John Mytton on 15 September 2018, 12:46:41
C'mon Colin we have debated this before, correct me if I'm wrong but where this is going is that you believe that Williams actually saw the killer and that's why they all lied, and as I remember I agreed with you and said that Williams must have seen Oswald and then you disagreed that it was Oswald, am I right?


Who asked for evidence of Oswald being in the SN during what time period?

You did. See posts 301 through 305 for the details.

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Offline Bill Chapman

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Brennan said he was sitting on the wall directly opposite the TSBD, when video evidence shows he was sitting somewhere else.
Brennan said he couldn't identify the killer in a line up and then he suddenly could
Brennan claimed he saw Kennedy's head explode when video shows he wasn't even watching in the direction of the car a split second earlier....

But hey, you know these guys; if a witness says something they like, they don't care just how often he changes his story and lies....

The wall: Tell us where he was if not on the wall.
The lineup: Didn't, not couldn't.
Exploding head: It was his ghostwriter who claimed that Brennan said he saw the Kennedy's head explode. Brennan said no such thing in testimony.

« Last Edit: June 24, 2020, 01:43:01 AM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Colin Crow

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Bonnie Ray Williams occupied the SN until about 12.25pm.

Here is my original do understand that "about" might reasonably be a minute or so earlier. The point being that he was on the sixth floor much later than the official story claimed and the assembled evidence indicates that he was occupying the SN.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2020, 02:00:12 AM by Colin Crow »

Offline Colin Crow

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Who asked for evidence of Oswald being in the SN during what time period?

You did. See posts 301 through 305 for the details.

Don’t see anything mentioning Oswald by me in those posts.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2020, 02:04:12 AM by Colin Crow »

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