And you think this hogwash story is believable? I suspect if Brennan said a Martian showed up at the police station and told him not to ID Oswald, you would repeat the tale as if it were credible.
Brennan's claim about fearing retribution from Oswald accomplices makes no sense given his conduct at the time. Again, he spoke with reporters and gave his name to them earlier in the day, and that afternoon he told the Dallas police, in writing, that he believed he could ID the man in the window if he saw him again. Those are not the actions of someone who feared retribution from accomplices. He made up that story later to explain why he refused to positively ID Oswald that night, even though he had seen pictures of him.
Furthermore, on the evening of 11/22, there was not "overwhelming evidence" that Oswald had killed Tippit. How could Brennan have believed this just hours after Oswald was arrested? If the feds told him this, then they surely also told him that Oswald acted alone and that there was no plot of any kind.
If one is going to assume that Brennan was blessed with exceptional distance vision and that therefore he could clearly see the person's face clearly from a distance of nearly half a football field (40 yards), then one must explain why Brennan said the man fired while standing up, which would have been impossible because the window was partially open (no higher than about waist level).
One must also explain why Brennan said the man was wearing “light-colored” clothing when we know Oswald wore a brown/reddish shirt to work, the same shirt that Officer Baker saw him wearing no more than 90 seconds after the shots were fired.
One must further explain why Brennan said the gunman remained at the window for a time after firing, that he was not the least bit rushed, and that he then eventually casually walked away, which agrees with James Jarman's testimony and which is further evidence that Oswald could not have gotten from the window to the second-floor lunchroom in time to be seen by Officer Baker.
Look at this montage of photos and a diagram. It gives you a good idea of the view that Brennan had of the sixth-floor window. You'll need to scroll back and forth horizontally because the image is rather large.

If one is going to assume that Brennan was blessed with exceptional distance vision and that therefore he could clearly see the person's face clearly from a distance of nearly half a football field (40 yards), then one must explain why Brennan said the man fired while standing up, which would have been impossible because the window was partially open (no higher than about waist level).Healthy young observers may have a binocular acuity superior to 6/6; the limit of acuity in the unaided human eye is around 6/3–6/2.4 (20/10–20/8), although 6/3 was the highest score recorded in a study of some US professional athletes.[26] Some birds of prey, such as hawks, are believed to have an acuity of around 20/2;[27] in this respect, their vision is much better than human eyesight. is no way of telling the distance between the TSBD window sills and the interior floors when viewing from the exterior of the building. Brennan assumed LHO was standing. And he assumed wrong. Just like I believe that Mark Lane assumed wrong about Brennan identifying himself to reporters on 11/22/63. There are other ways that his last name could have appeared in the DMN article on 11/23/63, which I have already explained.