The most important evidence that keeps getting ignored is Adams own testimony that she saw and later corrected, confirming that she saw Lovelady and Shelley on the way out, and to suggest that Adams made a massive mistake and saw Lovelady and Shelley much later on the way in is desperation at its best.

And the fact that the above story is 100% corroborated when Adams tells the exact same detailed story again to Leavelle is just the icing on the cake.

So in conclusion, the fact that Adams confirms on two separate occasions that she saw Lovelady and Shelley before she left the building has to be the considered evidence and under the incredibly unique once in a lifetime circumstances, any minor time discrepancies of when the girls left the forth floor pale into insignificance. And as for Lovelady, he couldn't confirm that he saw Adams but he did see a woman which when coupled with Adams testimony means that he must have seen Vickie.
Case Closed!
The most important evidence that keeps getting ignored is Adams own testimony that she saw and later corrected, confirming that she saw Lovelady and Shelley on the way out, That's only "the most important evidence" for you....because you need it to keep your fairytale alive. In reality you're only cherry-picking the evidence you like.
And the fact that the above story is 100% corroborated when Adams tells the exact same detailed story again to Leavelle is just the icing on the cake.You've got it backwards... Leavelle showed up unannounced at Vickie Adams's house in February 1964. It is with him that the Shelley/Lovelady thing got started. Prior to that Vickie Adams never said a word to anybody about seeing both men. It was Leavelle who wrote in his report: "I saw mr. Shelley and another employee named Bill. Vickie never saw or signed that report, which the WC subsequently used to discredit her as a witness.
Vickie Adams never said to anybody that she saw Shelley and Lovelady
at the moment she came off the stairs. She just said she did see them, and that was true.
So in conclusion, the fact that Adams confirms on two separate occasions that she saw Lovelady and Shelley before she left the building has to be the considered evidence and under the incredibly unique once in a lifetime circumstances, any minor time discrepancies of when the girls left the forth floor pale into insignificance. And as for Lovelady, he couldn't confirm that he saw Adams but he did see a woman which when coupled with Adams testimony means that he must have seen Vickie. Yeah right, Adams & Styles must have stayed on the 4th floor at least 4 minutes after the shots, Adams must have lied FBI agents Hardin and Scott on 11/24/63, Dorothy Garner must have lied to Barefoot Sanders and Shelley and Lovelady must have lied in their testimony about not seeing Adams (they don't even mention Styles) or even being near the stairs exit. And all those lies must have been for what?
You do understand that you are desperately clinging to an unverified statement by Leavelle and a slight confusion by Adams herself about when exactly she saw both men, against a mountain of evidence that confirms to anybody with a functional brain that you not only are but
must be completely wrong?