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Author Topic: If Oswald Was The Assassin, Did He Plan His Escape From The TSBD Very Well?  (Read 129986 times)

Offline Gerry Down

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Adams said she ran down the stairs, ran out the back door, ran around the west side of the TSBD and when she arrived at the front door she listened to a motorcycle radio. The item she heard on the radio (a report about shots coming from the 4th floor) was not played on the radio until 12:37pm.

It does not take 7 minutes to run down the stairs, run out the back door, run around the west side of the TSBD and then go to the front door. More like 3 minutes. So there is a missing 4 minutes in her timeline. The 4 minutes she spent on the fourth floor before running down the back stairs.

Case closed.

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Offline Martin Weidmann

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Adams said she ran down the stairs, ran out the back door, ran around the west side of the TSBD and when she arrived at the front door she listened to a motorcycle radio. The item she heard on the radio (a report about shots coming from the 4th floor) was not played on the radio until 12:37pm.

It does not take 7 minutes to run down the stairs, run out the back door, run around the west side of the TSBD and then go to the front door. More like 3 minutes. So there is a missing 4 minutes in her timeline. The 4 minutes she spent on the fourth floor before running down the back stairs.

Case closed.

Adams said she ran down the stairs, ran out the back door, ran around the west side of the TSBD and when she arrived at the front door she listened to a motorcycle radio. The item she heard on the radio (a report about shots coming from the 4th floor) was not played on the radio until 12:37pm.

How in the world do you come up with BS like this. In all her known statements Adams is crystal clear that she and Styles came down the stairs, turned left and stepped out onto the loading dock at the back of the TSBD. Both then ran to the railroad yard where they were stopped by a police officer who told them to return to the TSBD. Adams then went back from the railroad yard along the front of the building where she saw several TSBD employees and overheard a police radio.

It does not take 7 minutes to run down the stairs, run out the back door, run around the west side of the TSBD and then go to the front door. More like 3 minutes. So there is a missing 4 minutes in her timeline. The 4 minutes she spent on the fourth floor before running down the back stairs.

Which, if true - it isn't - would mean that Adams lied to the FBI on 11/24/63, she lied to Jim Leavelle on 02/07/64 and she lied in her WC testimony. It means also that Dorothy Garner lied to Barefoot Sanders when she told him - according to the Stroud letter - that she saw Adams and Styles go down before Truly and Baker came up.

You are so full of BS. If the girls had spent 4 minutes on the 4th floor, they would have seen Oswald pass by (if he was ever there) and they would have seen Truly and Baker come up, just like Garner. None of that happened. What really happened is that they went down the stairs straightaway after the third shot and the so-called "missing 4 minutes in her timeline" is accounted for by the time she needed to get to the railway yard and her walk back to the front entrance of the building.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2020, 04:38:06 PM by Martin Weidmann »

Offline Gerry Down

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Adams said she ran down the stairs, ran out the back door, ran around the west side of the TSBD and when she arrived at the front door she listened to a motorcycle radio. The item she heard on the radio (a report about shots coming from the 4th floor) was not played on the radio until 12:37pm.

How in the world do you come up with BS like this.

Its in Barry Ernsts book. Though he said it took him 5 minutes to do all that running when he did a test run. In reality it takes more like 3 minutes. He mentioned the motorcycle radio issue in his book. He knew it damaged Adamss timeline of events. She said she was back inside the building within 5 minutes, but the motorcycle radio issue proves she was outside at least another 2 minutes.

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Offline Gerry Down

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What did the WC reenactment show?

There was no official reenactment. That doesn't mean it can't be approximated using the same distances on another separate building though.

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Its in Barry Ernsts book. Though he said it took him 5 minutes to do all that running when he did a test run. In reality it takes more like 3 minutes. He mentioned the motorcycle radio issue in his book. He knew it damaged Adamss timeline of events. She said she was back inside the building within 5 minutes, but the motorcycle radio issue proves she was outside at least another 2 minutes.

I don't care what is in Barry Ernest' book. So what if it took her 7 instead of 5 minutes to return inside the building. It makes no difference whatsoever for the timeline.

She and Styles ran down the stairs after the third shot. The went down the stairs and next to the exit of the stairs on the left there is a loading door. They turned left and stepped on to the loading platform. They then needed to walk to the other side of the platform to go down the stars. From there they had to run back in the other direction towards the railway yard. There they are stopped by police and sent back. She then walks along side the building to get to the street in front of it. From there she walks to the front entrance of the building and overheared a radio report.

She didn't carry a stopwatch and it may well have been 7 minutes that she needed to get back into the building, via the loading dock at the back. Shelley and Lovelady estimated they returned to the building after 5 minutes, but that could easily also have been 7 minutes. That's when Adams saw Shelley and Lovelady.

This way the entire timeline fits and nobody needs to lie to the investigators, like they would have had to do in your foolish version of the events.

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Offline Martin Weidmann

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There was no official reenactment. That doesn't mean it can't be approximated using the same distances on another separate building though.

Exactly, which is why you should go back to my reply 626 (page 63) where I do exactly that. Have an honest look at that and tell me (if you disagree) what I did wrong. I bet you can't!

What you need to be asking yourself is, why they left out Adams and Styles during the official reenactment.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2020, 04:54:49 PM by Martin Weidmann »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Adams is absolutely insistent and consistent on one point in every statement she ever made concerning her actions that day - she started heading for the stairs within seconds of the final shot and she was running. This is corroborated by subsequent statements made by both Styles and Garner. She is also consistent in saying she saw no-one on the stairs.
We know from the Couch and Darnell films Shelley and Lovelady were out front of the TSBD when Baker reached the foot of the steps outside the front entrance.
If we accept this evidence we must come to the conclusion that Adams could not possibly have seen Shelley and Lovelady on the first floor. It's impossible.
So we are left with two main possibilities - Adams lied about seeing Shelley and Lovelady on the first floor or this part of her WC testimony was added without her knowledge.
Lets look at motives. Why would Adams lie about this detail? I have no idea why she might do this but would be glad to hear some wild speculation about it. Why would the WC lie about this detail? I think that's obvious - to make it appear that Adams and Styles could not have been on the stairs at the same time as Oswald.
When Garner reached her office door Adams and Styles were already clattering down the 'very noisy' wooden stairs, she heard them clearly. She then moved closer to the area of the stairs where she would have and unobstructed view of anyone opening the door of the stairs coming down from the fifth floor and crossing the floor to go down the stairs to the third. More importantly, she would have heard anyone coming down. She was there moments later when Baker came up those same stairs. Oswald never came down those stairs. Adams never saw Shelley and Lovelady on the first floor. Of these things we can be certain.

If we accept this evidence we must come to the conclusion that Adams could not possibly have seen Shelley and Lovelady on the first floor. It's impossible.
So we are left with two main possibilities - Adams lied about seeing Shelley and Lovelady on the first floor or this part of her WC testimony was added without her knowledge. 

There actually is a third option. She saw Shelley and Lovelady, not when she came off the stairs (because they weren't there), but instead when she reentered the building between 5 to 7 minutes later, when both men were indeed also in the shipping area. She saw them but got confused about when exactly she saw them.
Let's not forget that the first mention of her seeing Shelley and Lovelady was in Jim Leavelle's report of 02/07/64. Several months later... it's easy to get confused about a 5 - 7 minute time difference.

Offline Gerry Down

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Exactly, which is why you should go back to my reply 626 (page 63) where I do exactly that. Have an honest look at that and tell me (if you disagree) what I did wrong. I bet you can't!

Your timeline has Adams and Styles running down the stairs at lighting speed and out the back door before Truly and Baker come in. That is possible in my opinion and they just got out the back door before Baker and Truly saw them. That puts Adams and Styles at the loading dock at about 12:31. From here Adams said she ran around the west side of the building, went to the front door, listened to a motorcycle radio and then went inside. If she ran out the rear door at 12:31, you have the problem of her claiming to run around the building but the timeline allows too much time - 6 minutes to do that. Something is off on her recollection of time.

What you need to be asking yourself is, why they left out Adams and Styles during the official reenactment.

They didn't get her to do a reenactment because they knew she had stayed at the window longer than she remembered. And if they left her do a reenactment of running from the window immediately, it would be misleading reenactment.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2020, 05:04:42 PM by Gerry Down »

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