Mr Williams describes the oddest culinary confection: a sandwich containing chicken-on-the-bone. I reckon this weird mongrel of Regular Chicken Sandwich and Chicken Bones is the product of Mr Williams' trying to tell the WC what he thinks they need to hear!

I couldn't agree more - a sandwich with bones in it? These Texas boys sure are tough.
For me, the most interesting part of 'Chickengate' is the testimony of Deputy Sheriff Luke Mooney, the first person in the sniper's nest after the assassination. In his report given the day after the assassination he describes going into the Nest and states:
"Inside this cubby hole affair was three more boxes so arranged as to provide what appeared to be a rest for a rifle. On one of these cartons was
a half-eaten piece of chicken."
In his WC he displays a great eye for detail and does not waiver from seeing a "partially eaten piece of fried chicken" even though Ball is constantly steering him to say it was just a chicken bone (imo).
This is interesting for two reasons:
It places William's lunch
in the sniper's nestIt strongly indicates Williams was interrupted while having his lunch. Something that IMO makes perfect sense.
Speculation Time

We know from Norman's testimony that he and Jarman don't get up to the fifth floor until minutes before the motorcade arrives. Somewhere around 12:25, possibly later. Williams is up on 6 in the sniper's nest having his lunch when he hears movement downstairs, he abandons his lunch and goes down to 5 to investigate (why else would he just dump his lunch and not take it down. He's worked up an appetite laying flooring all morning). Norman and Jarman should not be there and now have to be controlled.
Afterwards Williams tries to make it sound like he was never on 6 but he has stupidly left the remains of his half eaten lunch up there. If it wasn't for that he would have got away with it (is this starting to sound like Scooby Doo?) After being caught out in a lie on his affidavit (something never mentioned during his WCT) he constantly tries to minimise the time he was up on 6 (3,5 10,15 and 20 minutes). But he doesn't go down to 5 until seconds before the motorcade arrives and there's a couple of clues to back this up:
In his original affidavit he states that just as he arrived on the fifth floor "we saw the President coming around the corner on Houston from Main Street."
In his WCT he describes what he saw of the motorcade:
Mr. WILLIAMS. Well, to the best of my ability, what I remember was first coming off of--I believe it was Main Street--well, two motorcycle policemen came around. I think it was two or maybe three. They came around first. And then I think the President's car followed. And I believe a car was behind it carrying the Vice President, as I remember. I am not sure about it. President Kennedy was sitting in the back seat. I believe his wife was in the back seat. I believe Governor Connally was sitting in the front seat of the car as it was going down the street--I believe
There is no mention of the lead car, probably because he didn't see it. It must be noted that Williams outright lies about finishing his lunch in his WCT.
My problem is that just before the assassination, on the sixth floor I have Williams, Piper, Dougherty, a man with a rifle (could be Dougherty) and lets throw in an assassin or two for good measure. What the heck, lets have Oswald getting the coffees for everyone.