Still waiting for your “mountain of evidence” for multiple shooters.
This Pat Speer?Pat Speer - The Single Bullet Theory Voodoo Science and Zombie Lies HD//
Hey May, you're right for once. I saw Number 5 of Speer's top ten and didn't look at Number 6. I WAS WRONG.1. It’s doubtful there was a shooter behind the stockade fence.2. There is clear and compelling evidence that not all the shots came from the Texas School Book Depository, however.3. It’s illogical to believe Kennedy’s wounds were changed.4. It’s incredibly clear, however, that the interpretations of government experts regarding the president’s wounds were manipulated, and that both the Warren Commission and the HSCA deliberately misrepresented evidence.5. There is a good chance that Kennedy and Connally were hit by the same bullet, after all.6. It’s highly, unlikely, however, that this bullet was CE399, often referred to as the “magic bullet.”7. The doctors who presided over the President’s autopsy were correct when they described an entrance into the President’s skull at the back of his head near his hairline.8. They were wrong, however, in assuming that this bullet exited from the top of Kennedy’s skull, as this bullet most logically exited from the President’s throat.9. Oswald was impersonated in Mexico.10. There’s a good chance, however, this had little to do with the assassination.
Take it easy and maybe take a sedative or something. Also, your strident demands would be better accepted if you answered any of the questions I've asked you. Be fair. I'm trying to be.
Are you talking to me.. I'm not May.
Sorry Chapman, you are mostly a troll without a clue...