San Francisco Civil Rights Lawyer Bill Simpich suggests that after U.S. intelligence had manipulated and used "wannabe spy" Lee Harvey Oswald in its legitimate efforts to uncover moles, it used him in its evil scheme to murder JFK.
Simpich would have us believe that Oswald wasn't a Communist, after all, just a good old Marxist Liberal, and he seems intent on uncovering the evil CIA bastards who created the "Radical Communist" legend for Oswald in the first place.
Gag me with a xxxxxxx spoon, Simpich.
Comrade Oswald was more Marxist-Leninist than Nikita Khrushchev, himself!
I wouldn't be surprised if Oswald said this to himself as he was falling asleep every night: "I will-we will-we wuv Kennedy, but I absolutely must ADVANCE THE DIALECTIC, especially after dem KGB boys gave me dat
special twreetment dere in Minsk!"
All I can say is that Vladimir Putin must love what Simpich and his ilk have been doing for so many years now -- blaming the CIA for what the little Marxist prick did.
-- MWT