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Author Topic: Free Book Now Available -- Hasty Judgment: Why the JFK Case Is Not Closed  (Read 53717 times)

Offline John Iacoletti

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Drain told Larry Sneed that he believed Carl Day was an honest man.

I don’t see how that changes anything.

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Offline Tim Nickerson

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Item analyzed Z frames 183 and 186, and gave an over 4-inch range on how inboard Connally was from Kennedy.

They considered Frames 183 and 186 to be an excellent stereo pair. However, they also utilized stereo pairs from 183-187, and 189-193. They determined that Connally was inboard of Kennedy 6.4"+/-2.2". So, Canning had every right to place Connally 8.6 inches inboard of Kennedy if he chose to.

Offline Tim Nickerson

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I don’t see how that changes anything.

How could Drain think that the palm print wasn't legitimate while at the same time believing that Carl Day wouldn't lie?

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Offline Tim Nickerson

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For anyone who might be interested, I have decided to stop selling my book Hasty Judgment: Why the JFK Case Is Not Closed and to make it available free of charge online in PDF format. The book is my reply to Gerald Posner's book Case Closed. The book includes the transcript of my interview with an NSA photographic technician regarding the backyard rifle photos. Here's the link to the book:

No magic-bullet alignment theory needs to explain how bullets coming from the alleged sniper's nest could have caused the damage that was done to the limousine's windshield. Damage to the windshield and chrome piece was from fragment strikes from the head shot. You are falsely assuming that a deformed and fragmenting bullet will take a straight path through a human head.

Offline Tim Nickerson

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For anyone who might be interested, I have decided to stop selling my book Hasty Judgment: Why the JFK Case Is Not Closed and to make it available free of charge online in PDF format. The book is my reply to Gerald Posner's book Case Closed. The book includes the transcript of my interview with an NSA photographic technician regarding the backyard rifle photos. Here's the link to the book:

No witnesses to the Tippit slaying described the killer in terms that did not resemble Oswald at all.

No witnesses in the days, weeks, months and years following Nov 22, 1962 said Oswald entered the Texas Theater just a few minutes after 1:00 P.M., and that he remained in the theater until he was arrested there about an hour later. You have to jump forward two and a half decades before Marrs could find a  mentally challenged individual who he could get to make claims contrary to testimony that he gave to the Warren Commission.

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Offline Tim Nickerson

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For anyone who might be interested, I have decided to stop selling my book Hasty Judgment: Why the JFK Case Is Not Closed and to make it available free of charge online in PDF format. The book is my reply to Gerald Posner's book Case Closed. The book includes the transcript of my interview with an NSA photographic technician regarding the backyard rifle photos. Here's the link to the book:

Poe said that he could not swear that he had marked the shells. If he did , he obviously never marked them in a way that he could identify them later. Dhority and Doughty did definitely mark their shells and , as such, were both able to positively identify their respective shells. Those shells were matched to Oswald's revolver to the exclusion of all other weapons.

Offline Tom Scully

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Michael, thank you. Not only are you giving it away, but you made an effort expending the time to correct formatting errors with no expectation of material compensation.

Page 93:

On October 11, 1963, when the real Oswald was in Dallas, someone in New Orleans filed a
change-of-address card in Oswald's name to forward his mail to a house in Dallas. The card is
signed in Oswald's name but the signature is not in his handwriting (14:375).

Wasn't it just the mail clerk at the post office in new Orleans that wrote in Oswalds name?

Ferrie was engaged in damage control, if spurred on by nothing more than concern over the mid 1950s CAP link to Oswald.


…..Mrs. Jesse James (Lena) Garner was interviewed by NOPD, FBI, Secret Service and Warren Commission representatives in 1963-4, mostly about Oswald. She did not mention Ferrie.
In Garner's 1969 Shaw trial testimony, she mentioned the visit in passing, but neither prosecution or defense picked up on it.
On 2/20/78, Garner was interviewed by Bill Brown of HSCA:
"On the night of the assassination, about 10:30 or 11:00pm, a man appeared at the apartment. She assumed he was an agent and let him in. He identified himself as a friend of LHO, that his name was Dave Ferrie and that his library card was found on LHO. That he had nothing to do with it (the assassination) and wanted to know 'who had been to her house'. She made him leave without answering his question. She states that she had not seen this person before, but noticed his unusual appearance, wig and false eyebrows."
On 5/5/78, Garner testified before Jonathan Blackmer of HSCA:
"Later on that night [November 22] I think it was about 9:00, maybe later or maybe earlier, this guy comes and rings the doorbell...I opened the door and I thought it was from the Secret Service or something or newsmen or something...I can't forget him because he had false eyebrows and his hair was false...I'm sure it was [November 22]...He said 'I'm David Ferrie...What's all this? I come to see about this.' He said they found his library card on Oswald'...I said 'Get out'...He came out with the library card business. It wasn't his fault that he [Oswald] borrowed it to use...It was like he [Ferrie] didn't have much time. He didn't even sit...I presume he was in a car when he left...I never seen the man before until he hit my door.
[Condensed from a long transcript]
I find the November 22 date confusing, because Ferrie's time that evening is accounted for by himself, Beauboeuf and Coffey. They said they ate dinner in Kenner from about 7:00-9:00pm, then left for Houston shortly after 9:00pm. The three were in Houston on SaPersonay evening. They arrived back in New Orleans on Sunday between 7:00 and 9:30pm.
Further, a November 22 date is confusing, as it was about 24 hours before Jack Martin and Hardy Davis say Martin came up with the library card allegation.

From: (Blackburst)
Subject: Re: Garner's Account of Ferrie Visit
Date: 30 Jun 2000 00:00:00 GMT
Message-ID: <>
I presume everybody is going to disagree with me, but I'll give my interpretation anyway:
Ferrie's friend John Irion said that Ferrie conducted his own investigation of the allegations aginst him, just after he was released from custody. And we have some documentary evidence to support it: Ferrie told the FBI he spoke with Eddie Voebel on November 27, and Roy McCoy said his home was called by Ferrie on the same day (both in regard to Oswald in the CAP). Doris Eames said Ferrie visited her asking questions about the library card after the assassination, but could not give a specific day.
Lena Garner's account of Ferrie's visit carries enough detail for me to accept that it may have happened. It seems consistent with the "investigation" he was conducting to clear himself after his release. The problem is the date: November 22.
I am inclined to credit the accounts of Ferrie, Beauboeuf and Coffey that they ate dinner in Kenner from 7-9pm, then left for Houston. The time frame fits, too, in that a 9:15 or so departure would put them in Houston at around 4:30am, the time they are recorded as checking in.
For these reasons, I am inclined to feel that Ferrie may have visited Garner, but not on the night of the assassination. But there is enough uncertainty that other explanations should be considered.
There is other material bearing on this, when I have more time.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2020, 02:40:42 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Posner insists that the famous backyard photographs, which appear to show Oswald holding the alleged murder weapon and some radical newspapers, and wearing a pistol, have been positively authenticated for good reason. They have been authenticated. By the 21 member HSCA Photographic analysis panel.

I am afraid you are a few decades behind the information curve. It seems you are unaware of the evidence that has surfaced and the research that has been done on the backyard photos since the HSCA.

And the HCSA photographic experts found plenty of evidence of fakery in the backyard rifle photos but refused to face it, as I document in "The HSCA and Fraud in the Backyard Rifle Photos":

I briefly corresponded with one of the HSCA photographic experts, and when I confronted him with two of the clear indications of fakery that the panel found, he ended the correspondence.

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