There is no amount of evidence, none that will ever convince a conspiracy advocate to consider what ultimately is a simple murder case. It cannot be done. Unanswered questions in the JFK event?Absolutely. Such is the case in most murder cases. Speak with any homicide cop. Yet, in the Kennedy case, to conspiracy types, ALL unanswered questions are nefarious. This purchase order to Klein’s is a perfect example of this phenomenon. The fact this dialogue is 56 years after the event and has been discussed ad nauseam for 56 years is remarkable imo. What’s the point?
Paul, consider who we are as a country, where we've been, and where we are, now....
Bobby Azarian Ph.D. - Mind In The Machine
A Complete Psychological Analysis of Trump's Support
Science can help us make sense of the president's political invincibility.
Posted Dec 27, 2018
....We are talking about a man who was caught on tape saying, “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy.” Politically surviving that video is not normal, or anything close to it, and such a revelation would likely have been the end of Barack Obama or George Bush had it surfaced weeks before the election.......
Trumpism is the "Lost Cause", on steroids, IOW, anything is possible.Paul, some coincidences strung together... JFK's presidency began exactly 100 years after Lincoln's. Just as "the Lost Cause" had "hung on", long after Lee's surrender in 1865, prominently through the Daughters of the Confederacy, so had segregation. I recently read that, in the 20th century some 35,000 monuments were erect to honor and memorialize prominent confederate military and political figures, as well as ordinary confederate soldiers.
JFK had to step in and insist that Civil War Centennial planning and coordinating entities not exclude blacks from being represented after several incidents indicating expectations that interests intent on rewriting history to make the confederate cause seem noble, were dominating the anniversary planning.
Major coincidences were Oswald having Lee as his middle name, with Robert E. Lee references in the names of his father and brother. Where did Oswald work and allegedly fire shots at JFK from?
He worked at a distribution hub at the center of the "project described below.:
How Texas is whitewashing Civil War history -
Jul 6, 2015 - New textbooks in the state assign slavery to a secondary role in causing the Civil War. ... The Confederate flag on display, from 1938 to today ... THIS FALL, Texas schools will teach students that Moses
TWISTED SOURCES: How Confederate propaganda ended up in the South's schoolbooks
Apr 10, 2019 - Though better known these days for erecting statues to Confederate veterans during the ... to control history textbooks used in the South's public schools. ... and Texas actively partnered with the UDC and UCV to choose textbooks. ... only histories favorable to the South be used in North Carolina schools.
Paul, you've done more than any member to expose the total lack of discourse Trump's supporters are willing to engage in. They are a "wink and a nod", cultIsn't it possible it was enough to communicate symbolically to Lost Cause sympathizers by having Oswald front for assassination of JFK from a distribution hub of Lost Cause propaganda text books, with a rifle purchased by "A. Hidell", an obscure name connected with V.P. of the confederate government, Alexander Hamilton Stephens of Washington, GA .... a "wink and a nod", in circumstances where openly taking responsibility for killing President Kennedy just past "high noon" in a city in a prominent state of the old confederacy, would have been counter productive to the Lost Cause?
To me, if this is what actually happened,
how much more openly could they have communicated what they did, to those who would notice and appreciate it, than if they rented billboards displaying, "We, of the Lost Cause movement sponsored LEE Harvey Oswald, and what are you going to do about it?"
In my last post, I had the name of the lawyer representing the army vs. Sen. Joseph McCarthy wrong, it is actually Joseph N Welch, of the Hale and Doerr firm, in Boston.
Tom Scully - Posted July 29, 2011
Of course, it must be only coincidental that the sole suspect immediately branded as the lone nut assassin of President John F. Kennedy was accused of carrying identification, of ordering the alleged assassination weapon, of passing out literature stamped with the name, and of using the name on two applications of employment; the name of the son and the grandson of the secretary of the Vice President of the Confederate States of America.
That secretary happened to be Col. William Henry Hidell, CSA, and Hidell evidently thought so highly of the rebel Vice President....,9171,888373,00.html
Books: Little Aleck
Monday, Sept. 16, 1946
ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS (337 pp.)—Rudolph von Abele—Knopf ($4).
...The people of the North, from Abraham Lincoln down, knew him as Little Aleck, devoted champion of states' rights and the constitutional liberties of all men—except Negroes. To the South he was Alexander Hamilton Stephens of Georgia, Vice President and chief enigma of the Confederacy....
Full text of "Little Aleck A Life Of Alexander H. Stephens"
...that both his son, and later his grandson were named in "Little Aleck's" honor.:
Pay-Per-View - Atlanta Constitution - Nov 9, 1890
Alexander S Hidell age. 13 Rome Ga. SECOND PRIZE. D. F. McClatchey Jr age. 13 Marietta. THIRD PRIZE. R. J. Travis age 13 Cov. ington. First Prize$18 Suit .
This is still an unsolved crime. The man the government has been working so hard to blame for nearly a half century was alleged to have been using the names of two men well known to some southerners and certainly to scholars of American History, especially in the midst of the craze of interest most of us old enough to remember, will recall as the Civil War Centennial years, 1961 to 1965. Isn't it especially curious and an outrage that no one came forward who was in a position to know, to describe these startling coincidences of names?
Was the purpose of the alleged "shooting" at Edwin Walker, a well planned smoke screen to eliminate the risk of telegraphing to interested parties that sons of the Confederacy, had indeed, assassinated a second, "Yankee" president, and gotten away with it, undetected? Could this still be a detail these "sons" snicker about, among themselves, when they are absolutely sure they are sharing their own company?
Who knows? These coincidences of names reaching into the highest levels of Confederate government leadership were twisted, defelected, and distorted so as to always be unnoticeable to those with no knowledge or inkling to look. But, how could everyone have no inkling, when the man the government so obsessively pinned the assassination on, was the man of the deep south, accused of killing the president in a former Confederate State, and who was the son of a man named enthusiastically for the most famous Confederate military commander?[/quote]
Tom Scully - Posted January 6, 2012 (edited)
.....Mccarthy Roe At Army If Hearings .Joseph Welch, Noted...
Windsor Star - Oct 6, 1960
Mr. Welch, an expert in crossexamination, worked without fee for the army. ....
Joseph N. Welch was with Hale & Dorr from 1923. After posting about Paul F. Hellmuth last night, and influenced by much of my other research, which all began with my reading the name Lester Crown, linked to Obama, is whether it is possible that Lester's brother-in-law, G. David Schine, was sheep dipped before LHO was?
Welch's wife's brochure influences me to think that Welch would have been aware through her, of V.P. of the Confederacy, Alexander "Little Alek" Stephens, and his loyal secretary, William H. Hidell, father of Alexander Stephens Hidell.:
.....,_GeorgiaWashington (originally called Heard's Fort) is a city in Wilkes County, Georgia, United States. The population was 4,295 at the 2000 census. The city is the county seat of Wilkes County[3]. The city is often referred to as Washington-Wilkes by locals, distinguishing it from any other Washington in the United States.
Washington has a number of restored antebellum, Victorian, and colonial homes along the narrow, tree-lined streets. Washington claims to have more antebellum homes per capita than any other city of its size in Georgia[citation needed]. Several sites in Washington are on the National Register of Historic Places including the Wilkes County Courthouse, the Robert Toombs State Historic Site, ...
...On April 3, 1865, with Union troops under Ulysses S. Grant poised to capture Richmond, Jefferson Davis escaped for Danville, Virginia, together with the Confederate cabinet. After leaving Danville, and continuing south,
Davis met with his Confederate Cabinet for the last time on May 5, 1865 in Washington, Ga....
..... Augustus Toombs (July 2, 1810 – December 15, 1885) was an American political leader, United States Senator from Georgia,
1st Secretary of State of the Confederacy, and a Confederate general in the Civil War.
Early life
Born near Washington, Wilkes County, Georgia, Robert Augustus Toombs was the fifth child of Catherine Huling and Robert Toombs. His father died when he was five, and he entered Franklin College at the University of Georgia in Athens when he was just fourteen. ....
Final years
When the Confederacy finally collapsed in 1865, Toombs barely escaped arrest by Union troops and went into hiding until he fled to Cuba on November 4, and then to London and Paris. He returned to the United States via Canada in 1867. Because he refused to request a pardon from Congress, he never regained his American citizenship. He did restore his lucrative law practice as an "unreconstructed" southerner. In addition, he dominated the Georgia constitutional convention of 1877, where once again he demonstrated the political skill and temperament that earlier had earned him a reputation as one of Georgia's most effective leaders. Hamilton Stephens (February 11, 1812 – March 4, 1883) was an American politician from Georgia. He was Vice President of the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War.
....Stephens and fellow Georgia Representative Robert Toombs campaigned for the election of Zachary Taylor as President in 1848. Both were chagrined and angered when Taylor proved less than pliable on aspects of the Compromise of 1850. Stephens and Toombs both supported the Compromise of 1850 though they opposed the exclusion of slavery from the territories on the theory that such lands belonged to all of the people. The pair returned to Georgia to secure support for the measures at home. Both men were instrumental in the drafting and approval of the Georgia Platform, which rallied Unionists throughout the Deep South.
Not only were Stephens and Toombs political allies, but they were lifelong friends. Stephens was described as "a highly sensitive young man of serious and joyless habits of consuming ambition, of poverty-fed pride, and of morbid preoccupation within self," a contrast to the "robust, wealthy, and convivial Toombs. But this strange camaraderie endured with singular accord throughout their lives."[3]...[/quote]