Where is the ballistic expert who says different? And who cites his experiments that show that a WCC/MC bullet, striking bone, like a skull, at high speed, will not fragment?"
Read Griffith’s article, it’s full of experts claiming that a FMJ bullet is not likely to fragment and certainly not fragment like the fragments found in JFK’s head.
I’ve seen his articles. He does not give the name of a true ballistic expert. Someone who:
• Conducts systematic experiments with bones embedded in ballistic gel to see the effects of bone on bullets under varying conditions, with different types of bullets.
• Is trusted to give testimony in a court of law, to match bullets recovered to weapons fired, and on other ballistic questions.
He lists true experts, like doctors. But not ballistic experts. A medical doctor should not say things like “I don’t see how CE-399 could have come out with so little damage.” Not
any kind of expert will do, like a medical doctor or a rocket scientist, or a good rifleman who is also a gunsmith. It has to be a true ballistic expert to have an opinion that counts. And, after 56 years, the CTers are still searching for such an expert, but found none. So, they resort to palming off the opinions of medical doctors. On medical questions, yes, their opinion carries weight. But on what a bullet should look like, it doesn’t.
Can you point me to such an article by Mr. Griffith and provide the name of a true ballistic expert who he cites?