We don't know the Harper fragment went forward.
We know the Harper fragment went forward. We can see it flying forward in frames 313 and 314. Unless, as I said, there were two fragments. One visible and one invisible. The invisible one was found, the ‘Harper fragment’. The visible fragment was never found. Highly unlikely. Most likely, the white object we see flying up and forward is the Harper fragment. So, it went forward. That is why it was found forward of the z313 position.
We just know approximately where Harper said he found it, which by the way was south of the limo.
And because the limousine was heading southwest, ‘South of the limo’ is forward and to the left.
How does a glancing shot through the right side of the head propel a fragment toward the left?
First of all, must a fragment be sent flying directly in line with the bullet? Looking at frame 313:
We can see debris heading in many directions. The Harper fragment heading up at a 45-degree angle must be off line by at least 45 degrees, unless one believes the shot came from under the limousine.
And this is not exactly a glancing shot. It hit near the center of the back of the head and exited the right side of the head close to the face.
Now, as one can also see from Frame 312:
JFK’s head is turned significantly to the left. We can tell because from Don Roberdeau’s map, the limousine was on a compass course of about 208 degrees. The sun was shining from about 189 degrees. And yet, part of JFK’s right face is lite up by the sun. This would not be the case, unless JFK’s head was turned significantly to the left by more than 19 degrees. Giving a straight-line angle, from the right side of his head to points forward and to the left of the limousine. Not to mention the possibility that the fragment could have come more from the top of the skull than the side, which would not require any kind of head turn.
And no ballistic expert has found it impossible for a fragment from the head to be sent flying up and forward and to the left of the limousine. But, because non-Ballistic experts have determined this to be impossible, we should conclude that it is impossible?
How about the 'frisbee effect'?
Elliott will work it out.
Yes, I think I worked it out without using an ‘frisbee effect’.
He's so into physics!
Is that a criticism or a complement? Anyone trying to figure out the head shot should be into Physics. If one is going to claim the head is moving according to basic Physics, he had better understand Classical Physics. The vast majority who make this claim do not actually understand Classical Physics and such concepts as the Conservation of Momentum.