Bill, thanks very much. I wonder why you can't just copy and in this reply box??
I meant why I can't just paste a picture into this posting.
The Forum limits uploaded photos to a generic or custom icon per member. That way all the Forum needs to back-up and pay for storage are text and a very small amount of pictures. Pictures (larger than icons) have really large file sizes. Most Forums do it this way, I believe.Photos for posts must be to an image link that is nested inside these tags:Code: [Select][img][/img]I believe the browser (not the Forum's software) reads the link and automatically loads the image in.You can use use direct coding ("Toggle View") or click on the "Picture Frame" icon. It's up to the poster to maintain a library of images at a picture-hosting site (maybe OneDrive links work, but I don't know).You can also "hot-link" an image you see already posted on another site, by right-clicking the image and choosing "Copy image location" (do not press "Copy image" as that is for copying all the image information and data for pasting into a digital photo editor program). Some sites discourage "hot-linking" and your image link from such sources might not display correctly on the Forum.Images on the Forum have been known to disappear over time as the image-hosting site may go to a paying format or go out of business. An "hot-linked" image can disappear if the page it's linked to is removed or its address is changed.
Bill, thanks very much, I'm learning.