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Author Topic: Vincent Bugliosi's Reclaiming History. 53 pieces of Evidence against Oswald.  (Read 6586 times)

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Wow, JFK assassination scholars, that's hilarious, how many of your "scholars" have even looked at more than a handful of different cases and how many have actually stepped into a courtroom and either prosecuted or defended anybody? Bugliosi had the vast courtroom experience of prosecuting over 100 varying cases which included over 20 murder cases and therefore understood how to analyse eyewitnesses and evidence, whereas the majority of the "JFK assassination scholars" as compared to Bugliosi have virtually zero experience outside of this little bubble and show time and time again absolutely no deductive reasoning skills.

Btw Bugliosi successfully prosecuted 105 cases out of 106  felony jury trials, how many court cases have you or any of your mates won?


So, just because Bugs won those cases, he's automatically right about this one... Is that what you are saying?

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Offline John Iacoletti

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Bugliosi had vast courtroom experience and therefore knew how to BS a jury.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2020, 03:29:22 PM by John Iacoletti »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Bugliosi had vast courtroom experience and therefore knew how to BS a jury.


What "John Mytton" fails to understand or simply ignores is that Bug's doorstopper is, just like the WC report before it, nothing more than a one sided prosecutorial narrative which has remained uncontested by a defense narrative for obvious reasons. The veractity and quality of the arguments brought forward by the prosecutor have never been scrutinized.

50% of a story is no story at all.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2020, 07:54:08 PM by Martin Weidmann »

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Offline Jerry Freeman

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BugZ spent 20 years writing several chapters on what the WR says in one line or two. Save the time and trouble and just turn to page 1461 where he wrote--- "Oswald did it"  ;D

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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It's interesting to note that Bugliosi was a big-time conspiracy theorist when it came to the RFK assassination. He was heavily involved with conspiracy theorists who were filing lawsuits to get the LAPD to release their RFK assassination materials. Bugliosi did a lot of the investigative work that supported the legal briefs in those lawsuits. He spoke on college campuses and told his audiences that RFK was killed by a conspiracy, and that the LAPD had suppressed evidence that Sirhan Sirhan could not have fired all the shots and was not even in position to fire the shot that hit RFK in the head.

But, when it came to the JFK assassination, Bugliosi was a blind, robotic denier of conspiracy, perhaps because of his association with David Atlee Phillips, a CIA officer who was seen meeting with Oswald in Dallas in 1963. To get an idea of just how bad Bugliosi's book is, check out these articles:
« Last Edit: October 15, 2020, 01:47:07 PM by Michael T. Griffith »

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Offline Jerry Organ

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Sirhan Sirhan could not have fired all the shots and was not even in position to fire the shot that hit RFK in the head.

    "The location of Kennedy's wounds suggested that his assailant had stood behind him,
     but witnesses said that Sirhan stood facing west, about a yard away from Kennedy,
     as he moved through the pantry facing east. This has led to the suggestion that a
     second gunman actually fired the fatal shot, a possibility supported by Chief Medical
     Examiner-Coroner for the County of Los Angeles Thomas Noguchi, who stated that
     the fatal shot was behind Kennedy's right ear and had been fired at a distance of
     approximately one inch. Other witnesses said that as Sirhan approached, Kennedy
     was turning to his left, shaking hands, facing north and so exposing his right side."
          -- Wikipedia

The best book is "The Killing of Robert F. Kennedy: An Investigation of Motive, Means, and Opportunity" by Dan E. Moldea.

    "In November 2006, BBC Television's Newsnight aired a 12-minute screening of Shane
     O'Sullivan's documentary RFK Must Die. O'Sullivan stated that while researching a
     screenplay based on the Manchurian candidate theory, he "uncovered new video and photo-
     graphic evidence suggesting that three senior CIA operatives were behind the killing of the
     Senator". He claimed that three men seen in video and photographs at the Ambassador
     Hotel immediately before and after the assassination were positively identified as
     CIA operatives David Sánchez Morales, Gordon Campbell and George Joannides.

     Several people who had known Morales, including family members, were adamant that
     he was not the man whom O'Sullivan claimed was Morales. After O'Sullivan published
     his book, assassination researchers Jefferson Morley and David Talbot discovered that
     Campbell had died of a heart attack in 1962, six years before the assassination. In
     response, O'Sullivan stated that the man on the video may have used Campbell's name
     as an alias. He then took his identifications to the Los Angeles Police Department, whose
     files showed the men he identified as Campbell and Joannides to be Michael Roman and
     Frank Owens, two Bulova sales managers attending the company's convention at the
     Ambassador. O'Sullivan stood by his allegations, stating that the Bulova watch company
     was a "well-known CIA cover".

Looks like the RFK case attracts die-hard kooks as well.

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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    "The location of Kennedy's wounds suggested that his assailant had stood behind him,
     but witnesses said that Sirhan stood facing west, about a yard away from Kennedy,
     as he moved through the pantry facing east. This has led to the suggestion that a
     second gunman actually fired the fatal shot, a possibility supported by Chief Medical
     Examiner-Coroner for the County of Los Angeles Thomas Noguchi, who stated that
     the fatal shot was behind Kennedy's right ear and had been fired at a distance of
     approximately one inch. Other witnesses said that as Sirhan approached, Kennedy
     was turning to his left, shaking hands, facing north and so exposing his right side."
          -- Wikipedia

The best book is "The Killing of Robert F. Kennedy: An Investigation of Motive, Means, and Opportunity" by Dan E. Moldea.

    "In November 2006, BBC Television's Newsnight aired a 12-minute screening of Shane
     O'Sullivan's documentary RFK Must Die. O'Sullivan stated that while researching a
     screenplay based on the Manchurian candidate theory, he "uncovered new video and photo-
     graphic evidence suggesting that three senior CIA operatives were behind the killing of the
     Senator". He claimed that three men seen in video and photographs at the Ambassador
     Hotel immediately before and after the assassination were positively identified as
     CIA operatives David Sánchez Morales, Gordon Campbell and George Joannides.

     Several people who had known Morales, including family members, were adamant that
     he was not the man whom O'Sullivan claimed was Morales. After O'Sullivan published
     his book, assassination researchers Jefferson Morley and David Talbot discovered that
     Campbell had died of a heart attack in 1962, six years before the assassination. In
     response, O'Sullivan stated that the man on the video may have used Campbell's name
     as an alias. He then took his identifications to the Los Angeles Police Department, whose
     files showed the men he identified as Campbell and Joannides to be Michael Roman and
     Frank Owens, two Bulova sales managers attending the company's convention at the
     Ambassador. O'Sullivan stood by his allegations, stating that the Bulova watch company
     was a "well-known CIA cover".

Looks like the RFK case attracts die-hard kooks as well.

Moldea's book is garbage, total garbage. Is there no government fairy tale that you do not swallow hook, line, and sinker? 

A far better book is Robert Joling and Philip Van Praag's book An Open and Shut Case. Joling is a forensic expert and a past president of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. Praag is a world-renowned audio engineer and recording technology expert. Here is a review of their book:

Another superb book on the RFK case is The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy: Crime Conspiracy & Cover-Up: A New Investigation, published just last month, written by Tim Tate and Brad Johnson. Tate is an award-winning investigative journalist and documentary film maker. Johnson is an award-winning TV news writer, editor, and producer.

I guess you missed the news that in 2004 a journalist's recording of the RFK assassination was found in the CA state archives, and that three sets of experts have found that it contains at least two more shots than Sirhan's gun could have fired. One of those experts is Philip Van Praag:

I provide several more links, including links to videos, on this acoustical evidence on my RFK assassination website:

Finally, every single witness in the pantry said that Sirhan never, ever, ever got within 3 feet of RFK, but the autopsy, which was superb, established that the gun that fired the head shot was no more than 1.5 inches from the head.

« Last Edit: October 15, 2020, 05:58:39 PM by Michael T. Griffith »

Offline Jerry Organ

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Moldea's book is garbage, total garbage. Is there no government fairy tale that you do not swallow hook, line, and sinker? 

Right. And there is virtually no conspiracy theory and wacky belief you won't latch onto. Golden plates. LOL. Lost Cause. Pearl Harbor. What an id--t.

A far better book is Robert Joling and Philip Van Praag's book An Open and Shut Case. Joling is a forensic expert and a past president of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. Praag is a world-renowned audio engineer and recording technology expert. Here is a review of their book:

Another superb book on the RFK case is The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy: Crime Conspiracy & Cover-Up: A New Investigation, published just last month, written by Tim Tate and Brad Johnson. Tate is an award-winning investigative journalist and documentary film maker. Johnson is an award-winning TV news writer, editor, and producer.

I guess you missed the news that in 2004 a journalist's recording of the RFK assassination was found in the CA state archives, and that three sets of experts have found that it contains at least two more shots than Sirhan's gun could have fired.One of those experts is Philip Van Praag:

I provide several more links, including links to videos, on this acoustical evidence on my RFK assassination website:

The Bobby Kennedy Assassination Tape: Were 13 Shots Fired or Only 8? Link

    "After listening to the recording, some acoustic experts say Van Praag
     misidentified some sound impulses as gun shots and that only seven
     or eight shots could be heard on the low-fidelity tape. Forensic acoustics
     engineer Philip Harrison said, “I can’t find any more than the seven shots
     that are there.” In 2013, comments by Harrison and others helped
     convince U.S. Magistrate Judge Andrew J. Wistrich that the tape was no
     smoking gun. “Van Praag’s opinion is far from ‘conclusive’ evidence of a
     second gunman,” Wistrich wrote, “because other experts analyzing the
     Pruszynski recording have reached contrary conclusions.”

Another diehard like Shane O'Sullivan.

Finally, every single witness in the pantry said that Sirhan never, ever, ever got within 3 feet of RFK, but the autopsy, which was superb, established that the gun that fired the head shot was no more than 1.5 inches from the head.

That's like saying "every" witness to the JFK assassination said the limousine came to a complete stop during the shooting. Or every Parkland observer saw a hole at the very back of the President's head.

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