It is sad to see such blind partisan hatred of Trump. Many conservatives displayed intolerance and blind hatred toward Obama, but the hatred and derangement that some liberals are displaying toward Trump are setting new records for polarization and bigotry.
The problem is that when you decide that you hate someone, you will almost never admit when they do something good. I see such blindness in the irrational, surreal way that many liberals have responded to Trump's tax cuts, to his ending the Obamacare penalty fine, to his historic reduction in federal regulations, to his new North American trade agreement (which even many unions agree is a big improvement over NAFTA), to his support of school choice, etc., etc.
And, seriously, aren't those of you who support Biden worried about his mental capacity? Really, anyone who has watched even just a few of Biden's public appearances can see that he frequently loses his train of thought, slurs his words, and sometimes almost seems in a daze or trance for a few seconds. I'm not talking about his gaffes. Trump commits lots of gaffes too. I'm talking about the clear signs that Biden's mental capacity has severely diminished, and that it's only getting worse. During the early stage of the Dem primary, even some of the talking heads on MSNBC openly discussed the clear signs that Biden's mental capacity is substantially diminished.
If Biden is going to end up in the White House, I just hope he picks a rational, moderate running mate, not a rabid idealogue like Kamala Harris or Stacey Abrams. I wish Biden nothing but the best. I have nothing against him as a person. I think he has a compelling life story. He has long record of being willing to compromise and work with the other side. But given his diminished capacity, I worry that he would not really be in control as president but would be manipulated in too many cases to do things that he would never have done 10 years ago.