Incorrect!-----see Reply #1120
Right, you can't explain why he would do such a crazy thing
So why did nobody in those interrogations ever offer the slightest indication that Mr Oswald changed his claimed whereabouts at the time of the assassination? You think they wanted to protect Mr Oswald's good name?

Mr Holmes is asked in his WC testimony where Mr Oswald located the encounter, and his answer is: "First floor. Front entrance to the first floor". He even goes on to describe the layout of that part of the building, despite never having set foot in it.
So---------what I'm reading into "First floor. Front entrance to the first floor" is: First floor, front entrance to the first floor. Kooky, huh?
The encounter was on the second floor. It looks like there is a double set of doors leading from the 2nd floor stairs to the lunchroom. There is a little triangular shaped space between the doors. It was through those windows that Baker caught a glimpse of him and noticed him walking in the lunchroom. Apparently LHO thought the little space was called a vestibule.
Unless the coke machine is on the first floor he was stopped by the Baker on the second.
Mr. BELIN. By the way, where did this policeman stop him when he was coming down the stairs at the Book Depository on the day of the shooting?
Mr. HOLMES. He said it was in the vestibule.
Mr. BELIN. He said he was in the vestibule?
Mr. HOLMES. Or approaching the door to the vestibule. He was just coming, apparently, and I have never been in there myself. Apparently there is two sets of doors, and he had come out to this front part.
Mr. BELIN. Did he state it was on what floor?
Mr. HOLMES. First floor. The front entrance to the first floor.
Mr. HOLMES. First floor. The front entrance to the first floor.
Mr. BELIN. Did he say anything about a Coca Cola or anything like that, if you remember?
Mr. HOLMES. Seems like he said he was drinking a Coca Cola, standing there by the Coca Cola machine drinking a Coca Cola.He states that LHO encountered the policeman while he was standing by the coke machine. There is not a coke machine on the first floor. The coke machine is on the second floor.