Alan had been going on about the Wiegman shadow because, as he explains it, the film had been tampered with to disguise the fact Lovelady was wearing a long-sleeved shirt. Why did this need disguising? Because, according to Alan, the Altgens 6 pic he posted below shows Oswald's arm holding a bottle of coke:

For many reasons I wasn't going anywhere near this but I note, in your role as self-appointed, self-anointed fact-checker, you didn't have a word to say about this lunacy, revealing (as if it needed revealing) your stinking bias and hypocrisy.
To me it looked like the shadow of the wall was being cast on Lovelady, no mystery, and Alan's explanation was beyond bizarre so I wasn't getting drawn into that particular fantasy.
But Alan wouldn't let it go so I checked it out just to shut him up and came across this Allen pic:

The officer on the left on the top step with the white, rounded helmet is stood approximately where I imagined Lovelady to be.
He is clearly in sunlight with no shadow from the wall being cast on him.
I realised I was wrong and, not being a coward or a hypocrite, immediately posted Alan to tell him I'd checked it out and that I agreed something was weird about the Wiegman pic.
You have felt it necessary to post one of your snide remarks even though I have done what anyone researching this case should do - discover something that contradicts their belief then change that belief accordingly (like that happens a lot around here).
Get back under your stone.