And the reason we can know for sure that it is Mr. Oswald's presence we are tracking across these images, and no one else's, is that we can track the presence of Mr. Lovelady-------------the only other white male employee who can be wearing a long-sleeved red shirt over a white tshirt on the west side of those steps. For we now have proof positive (via crossreferencing of the films) that there were not one but TWO white men wearing long-sleeved red shirts over white tshirts on the west side of those steps at the time of the shooting.
Furthermore, the fact that an artificial (i.e. naturally impossible) shadow has been provably placed down Mr. Lovelady in Wiegman tells us that the Wiegman frames in the public domain are doctored. This confirms-----------as if this needed any confirmation!----------that the man in the reddish shirt over white tshirt shown in Hughes is indeed Mr. Oswald. No stranger wearing a reddish shirt over a white tshirt (a vanishingly improbable fluke in its own right) would have caused the 'investigating' authorities to add artificial shadow to Wiegman. The provable doctoring of this piece of visual evidence provably excludes as a candidate for Reddish Shirt Man every human being except Mr. Lee Harvey Oswald.
Those who wish to challenge
the proof I have offered of Mr. Oswald's alibi now need to go beyond subjective and vague expressions of their own disbelief, or smug metacommentary, or attempts to gaslight with any other nonsense.
They must instead begin by meeting a simple and fair double challenge:
1. Explain to us how this man in red in Hughes can possibly be Mr. Billy Lovelady
2. Explain to us how this shadow down Mr. Lovelady's side in Wiegman can possibly be a natural shadow
If they are right and I am wrong, then they will have no difficulty meeting this double challenge. Indeed, they will be enthusiastic to do so.
Confident prediction:
They will either run away and pretend what has just happened (i.e. the
exoneration of Mr. Oswald as sixth-floor shooter) hasn't just happened, or make fools of themselves loudly talking about every issue EXCEPT those raised in the above double challenge.
What they will NOT do is meet EITHER of the elements in this double challenge. For the simple reason that: Mr. Oswald really did go outside to watch P. Parade, and none of them can go back in time and stop him!