This from the guy who's still stuck way, way back at the 'No, I can't explain that shadow down Lovelady, but I know it means nothing' stage of denial.
I believe my explanation was that Lovelady was just turned to the side, looking out over his shoulder.
Now! Back to the question:
Is this police officer wearing gloves?

Maybe it's one of those big foam hands you get at sports events with "Go Oswald" written on it.
Why is Fritz wearing a black oven mitt? It's the key to understanding the whole mystery. I bet you can't answer that question. And if you can't answer
that question, you'll never understand what's happening.
I understand it's been tough on you Alan, all those years spent peddling the nonsense that Sarah Stanton was in fact Oswald stood in the corner of the front landing, only to have the rug pulled out from underneath you.
In a way it's admirable as I'm sure there were a lot of disciples of the Church of Prayerman who couldn't face how stupid they'd been and who now live in complete denial.
At least you've toned it down a bit and are finally using common sense.....wait on a second...........what's that??
Oswald down by the front steps waving a Cuban flag tied to a curtain rod??
Mrs Reid stood outside holding the rifle bag??

You really are priceless. I bet the Prayerman lot are glad you left