Friends, when Mr. Organ writes "Less manipulated versions of Hughes show dark-bluish reflections off the glass doors and not a reddish blob", he is of course talking utter nonsense, based on
studious inspection of non-relevant frames in the sequence. Anyone with eyes to see can see the red which appears momentarily to the left of young Ms. Toni Glover (yellow arrow):

Why does Mr. Organ try to gaslight us in this way? Because----------as always----------he is interested not in truth but in defending the official story, which needs Mr. Oswald kept away from those steps.
However! In the course of making a ridiculous claim (no red, only blue), he has inadvertently hit upon a fact that forces ME to make new sense of that blue
and that red, and to acknowledge an interpretive misstep of my own. And for that I'm grateful, because-------------unlike Mr. Organ--------------I care only about getting things right.
The bluish person way back on the landing is NOT (as I had thought) Mr. Bill Shelley standing just in front of the glass. It is the
reflection of a person dressed in blue who is standing on the landing, several feet from the glass. We also see the reflection of that person's head (as well as their actual head just over Mr. Oswald's).
This person may be Mr. Shelley, but is probably PrayerWOMAN.
And! The red which appears momentarily (marked above by yellow arrow) is NOT Mr. Lovelady leaning over from his standing position on the landing or one step down.
It is the reflection of Mr. Oswald's right arm as he moves it right of his body.So! I'm back to my original conclusion: Mr. Lovelady does not show in Hughes because he is blocked from view by Ms. Glover's body. He is standing on the fourth step up, not far from the center rail.
'Having' Mr. Lovelady in Hughes was a delicious bonus, but if it ain't him it ain't him. If anything, understanding that bit of red as a reflection re-simplifies matters, for it means Mr. Lovelady does not need to move down a couple of steps in the very short interval of time between Hughes and Towner/Bell. All he does is lean to his right, and then (as shown in Bell) return to his upright posture:

What's the betting that Mr. Organ will now suddenly forget all his authoritative talk of "manipulated" Hughes frames and instead 'discover' 'high-quality' frames that confirm that yes, there is after all an appearance of red in front of the blue?