Off the top of my head and without really looking into it - Truly, Shelley, Lovelady and Pauline Sanders.
How many are we looking for?
Well, we can strike Messrs Shelley & Lovelady off your extremely short list of those who noticed Officer Baker & Mr Truly run into the building------------as you yourself believe that they did
not look back and see what they say they saw from where they place themselves (in their WC testimonies) some 3+ minutes (!) after the shooting. Or do you believe Officer Baker & Mr Truly did not in fact run up those steps just after Darnell's camera stops filming them?
We can also strike Mr Truly off your list, as it's his dash into the building we're talking about!
Ms Sanders seems to be all you've got, and even that's reported speech------------and it would seem she only noticed Officer Baker (
not Mr Truly).
I can help you out by adding Mr Molina, who went on the record about seeing Mr Truly (but
not Officer Baker) run into the building v. shortly after the shooting.
So! Not a single person seems to have noticed both Mr Truly and Officer Baker conspicuously dash up those steps and enter the building vestibule.
You will no doubt explain this curious circumstance by saying everyone was in shock about what had just happened and so was not exactly alert to other things going on around them. Fine. Now go apply that thought to the inconspicuous nobody you say couldn't
possibly have been standing in that entranceway for a very short time without having been noticed by lots of people!

Now for your list of all the people who noticed our inconspicuous nobody leaving the building several minutes after the shooting: