Bull. I told you in great detail what was wrong with this "sound" argument. It is based entirely upon Graves imagining that he sees "stripes" on black-blob on the steps in the Darnell frame and a whole bunch of handwaving.
At least you're finally conceding that the black-blouse-and-black-headscarf-wearing gal at issue in Darnell is a candidate for big, tall, (glasses-wearing) Calvery, and you're implying that if only some broad, dark (but admittedly very fuzzy) horizontal "bands" could be discerned in the sliver of her subtlety-patterned, "plaid" skirt ...
... (speaking of which, scroll down to the Zapruder frame in Linda's fine Find-A-Grave post and enlarge it to see what I'm talking about) ...
https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/149407954/gloria-jean-calvery... that's visible in Darnell, you'd be convinced it's her.
That's fantastic! You've made some real progress, John (traumatic for you though it must have been)!
Perhaps someone more technologically gifted than I am can find a clear version of those few Darnell frames, and enlarge them ...
... but not
too much, as you always seem to intentionally do, John ...
... (lol -- remember your "She's Wearing Glasses/Nope, I Was Wrong -- She's Not Wearing Glasses" (Calvery) in the Betzner-3 photo we spent so much time arguing about, about a year ago? Remember -- you enlarged a crop of
that untill her glasses "disappeared," didn't you) ...
... and post one or two of them here.
-- MWT

PS Clearer Zapruder frames (i.e.., showing much better the dark horizontal bands in Calvery's dress) can be found, but unfortunately they all seem to be posted at the Duncan-proscribed Eeek-A-Freak Disinformation Forum website.
Doesn't our very own Robin Unger have some in the Forum's "JFK PHOTOGRAPHS GALLERY" section???
Yep! Here's one!