If the purpose of the "fake" 2nd floor lunchroom encounter is to establish Oswald's guilt, and it's hard to imagine what other purpose it might serve, it could hardly be any worse. It' so rubbish it's hard to accept as a fabrication. Why not have it on the 6th floor? By the time Baker gives his affidavit the Sniper's nest has been discovered:
Baker - As we made our way up past the 6th floor I saw a man shifting boxes in the southeast corner. Mr Truly assured me the man was an employee so we carried on our way. Later I identified the man as Lee Harvey Oswald.
There!! I've just done it

I've created an airtight, fake encounter that puts Oswald at the scene of the crime.
That's how easy it is.
Just think about how easy and how obvious that is.
Only Truly and Baker need be involved. No need to drag in Jeraldean Reid, Marvin Johnson or Karen Westbrook Scranton.
Who cares what Oswald has to say, he's just trying to create an alibi for himself.
I've literally just come up with that, in seconds.
But whoever was supposed to be organising this fake encounter (SS/FBI/other) could only come up with this

, ramshackle effort?
"Ooh, but Baker saw Oswald wearing a shirt and Reid saw him wearing a T-shirt, therefore the whole thing is fake".
Well, let's turn that around.
If it is a fake, created to establish Oswald's guilt, why would it contain such a glaring error over something so fundamental?
Here's another - Why did Baker and Truly move so fast?
All they had to do was add 10 - 15 seconds in the lobby when they first met and the same again by the elevators, and this would've given Oswald plenty of time to get down to the 2nd floor lunchroom and compose himself.
But oh no, both men keep on insisting they were shifting.
They even did a reconstruction to show just how quick they got up there!If it was organised fakery wouldn't they have allowed enough time for Oswald to have comfortably reached the lunchroom?