Well! I asked a question a while back and no one did offer an answer. So-----------I'll ask it again........
In Mr Dom Bonafede's 24 May 1964 article on Mr Billy Lovelady in the New York Herald Tribune, we get the following re. the Altgens photograph:
"Lovelady maintains it is he standing in the doorway at the moment of the assassination. 'I was standing on the first step,' he told me when I interviewed him in Dallas two weeks ago. 'Several people saw me. That lady shielding her eyes works here on the second floor.'"
Here is Commission Exhibit 203---------------------

Which female employee from the second floor, shielding her eyes in the photograph, is Mr Lovelady pointing to as he confidently makes the statement quoted above?
Can't be Ms Maddie Reese (GREEN arrow) (----------------->does NOT work on second floor!)
Can't be Ms Ruth Dean (PINK arrow) (---------------->does NOT work on second floor!)

So---------------who does Mr Lovelady mean----------------and: where in the Altgens photograph is she??

My proposed solution:Who does Mr Lovelady point to in the Altgens photograph when he tells Mr Bonafede: "That lady shielding her eyes works here on the second floor"? Why,
Ms Carolyn Arnold----------------

Where in the Altgens photograph is she? Why,
just below him, shielding her eyes------------------

She's the reason for that ludicrous, physically impossible shadow artificially added down Mr Lovelady's side in the Wiegman film------------------

Ms Arnold's presence on those steps was erased from history. Because she told the 'investigating' authorities she noticed Mr Lee Harvey Oswald when she went back to that front entrance just before the Presidential parade arrived. (Unlike those already on the steps, she was facing in that direction before she reached them.) They took her statement and distorted it beyond recognition. They made her think her story had gone into the official record. That story
also included a sighting of Mr Oswald in the second floor lunchroom shortly before the motorcade-------------a story which chimed perfectly with what Mr Oswald had claimed in custody, despite the fact that Ms Arnold was not privy to any of the interrogations.
Ms Arnold was, in short, the witness from hell. And so she wasn't called before the Warren Commission.
Years later, Mr Earl Golz and Mr Anthony Summers contacted Ms Arnold. When she was told what was in her FBI interview report, she reacted very defensively to any suggestion she spotted Mr Oswald behind the front glass door. But she protested a little too much... Why, researchers had to wonder, would the FBI have concocted an
Oswald sighting at the front door? Must have come from somewhere! The rational answer: They took what she told them and changed the timeframe, made her location vague enough-----
and put words of doubt as to the identification into her mouth...

This provided insulation against the eventuality of Ms Arnold's going public with her sighting. 'Oh, that's not quite what the young lady told us. See for yourself--here's the official interview report.'
By 1978, Ms Arnold no longer wished to tell her story-------------or at least: she now was only prepared to talk about the lunchroom part. Understandable!
However, if I've got this right, then I hope that, while there's still time, she decides to reveal the truth. Because along with Mr BW Frazier (and possibly Mr Roy Edward Lewis), she may be the only living witness left who can finally confirm Mr Oswald's alibi.
In the meantime, thank you, Mr Lovelady!