If there was NOT any alteration of the original film version of the PM figure, and the conspirators therefore unaware the PM figure may resemble Oswald, then the purpose to move or add shadow to Lovelady must be due to some OTHER face/figure that was identified in the original film that the conspirators thought resembled Oswald.
Or if not Oswald , then whom else would the conspirators have thought it necessary to mask over with shadow added or by moving Lovelady image?
Now we're getting places, Mr Mason.
I have previously wondered whether the someone else might not have been Mr Ken Duvall or Ms Carolyn Arnold...
However, what if what's being masked over is not someONE but someTHING-----------a something that, directly or indirectly, is somehow related to the question of Mr Oswald's whereabouts?
Ask yourself: what, most obviously, would the
unshadowed image of Mr Lovelady have shown?
Answer: his right arm.
And along with that?
The fact that he was wearing a long-sleeved shirt with sleeves not rolled up.
So what? Well, cf the blowup of Altgens 6 that Mr Walter Cronkite showed the nation the evening of the assassination:

We see Mr Lovelady here (and yes, it is Mr Lovelady,
not Mr Oswald!), but is that really Mr Lovelady's left arm we're seeing in front of him? What if it's not? And if not, what might it actually be?
(Remember: Altgens 6 is taken several seconds
before the first Wiegman frame of that doorway!)