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Author Topic: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )  (Read 327430 times)

Offline John Tonkovich

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #712 on: January 02, 2021, 07:31:21 PM »
 It's Lovelady. Oswald was in the lunchroom.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #712 on: January 02, 2021, 07:31:21 PM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #713 on: January 02, 2021, 08:20:12 PM »
It's Lovelady.


Oswald was in the lunchroom.

Yep, but now he's on the steps watching the P. Parade.

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #714 on: January 04, 2021, 02:37:31 AM »
Enough of this fantasy  BS:

Who created the second floor lunchroom encounter hoax and who was in on it?
Simple questions
let's have some simple answers

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #714 on: January 04, 2021, 02:37:31 AM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #715 on: January 04, 2021, 06:09:10 PM »
Enough of this fantasy  BS:

Who created the second floor lunchroom encounter hoax and who was in on it?
Simple questions
let's have some simple answers

Still can't explain the shadow, eh Mr O'Meara? Oh dear oh dear, how embarrassing for you!

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #716 on: January 04, 2021, 09:28:26 PM »
"I can't say for sure that I saw Lee Harvey Oswald"

--Mr Roy Edward Lewis (JFK conference Dallas, 2016) when asked whom he saw out on those steps at the time of the assassination.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #716 on: January 04, 2021, 09:28:26 PM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #717 on: January 04, 2021, 09:36:46 PM »
Slightly off-topic, but in the same conference appearance Mr Lewis is quite emphatic that Mr Frazier drove Mr Oswald home every working day.

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #718 on: January 04, 2021, 10:31:02 PM »
Mr Lewis, in this same conference appearance, gets into real knots trying to give account of his exact whereabouts at the time the shots rang out.

He tells the audience that he had just came out through the glass door and was on the landing when he heard the shots.

But then he lets Mr Larry Rivera (the moderator) assure him and the audience that he is in fact the black man whose face we see in profile in the (post-Cronkite!) Altgens photograph, i.e. standing way down on the lowest step.

His March '64 FBI interview report is tantalizingly ambiguous on this issue...............

I stood by myself on the inside of the front entrance of the Texas School Book Depository Building to watch President John F . Kennedy come by the building in a motorcade

And here's what Mr Lewis told Mr Larry Sneed-------------

« Last Edit: January 05, 2021, 12:00:17 AM by Alan Ford »

Online Zeon Mason

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #719 on: January 05, 2021, 01:40:26 AM »
Suggestions for what the white object is in PM’s hands:

1. White coffee cup
2. White styrofoam cup
3. Camera
4. 1963 Dr.Pepper bottle w/ white logo
5. Cigarette lighter flame

Mr. Ford has presented an image of a forearm and hand upraised and presumed to be not the forearm of Lewis (black man at lower west wall corner of the TSBD entrance steps), nor the forearm belonging to Lovelady.

Mr. Ford has outlined also some object that he thinks he sees in the upraised hand?

If there is a shape, can it be analyzed by some computer image program to determine which of the 5 hypothetical objects listed above is the most probable?

If coffee cup or styrofoam cup, the quantity of liquid would be minimal, and thus  possibly consumed completely BEFORE PM was captured in Weigman film

If a camera, then one must ask what would be the reason for PM to hold up the camera ( as though photographing the side of the TSBD) in the Altgens photo. Also, would not the face of PM be visible if holding up the camera to his eye?

If a cigarette lighter aflame in the hand of PM in Weigman film then the small object is not likely to be visible in the hand when PM moves and raises the arm in Alrhens photo

The Dr. Pepper bottle, therefore, is my pick because

A. The bottle upraised, having a long neck, may explain face of PM obscured by west corner wall , even thought bottle shape would be visible in the hand

B. Quantity of liquid would be consumed over a longer periodic time  with raising hand up multiple times

C. Coincidental finding of a Dr. Pepper
Bottle on the steps next to the West wall of the TSBD where PM is seen in the Weigman film, and where he would have stepped down to lower step in an increment of time between last Weigman frame of entrance steps and the Altgens photo 6.

D. The shape of the bottle would be more visible and be horizontal if upraised to take a drink as is the object that Mr. Ford has outlined (although its indeterminate), in the now presumed upraised hand of PM before that image was altered by adding texture and pattern of Lovelady shirt to obscure the arm and make it appear to be Loveladys arm.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #719 on: January 05, 2021, 01:40:26 AM »