1: Mrs Reid fabricating a false story
Yes, Mrs Reid, made up the story about seeing Lee walk through the office area about 2 or three minutes after the first shot was fired . It was just innocent "office gossip" and she had no idea that she laid the foundation on which a shyster lawyer would build a false case against Lee Oswald.
We know that IF the incident had occurred it would have to have happened just a few minutes after the first shot was fired, and AFTER Baker had encountered Lee in the second floor lunchroom. There was no way that Mrs Reid could have known that someone had shot at the President just a couple of minutes after the shooting..... And I doubt that she would have speculated about the shots so soon after the shooting.
Mrs. REID. Well, when I heard-I heard three shots.
Mr. BELIN. You heard three shots?
Mrs. Rzm. And I turned to Mr. Campbell and I said, “Oh, my goodness, I am
afraid those came from our building,” because it seemed like they came just so
directly over my head, and then I looked up in the windows, and saw three
colored boys up there, I only recognized one because I didn’t know the rest of
them so well.
Mr. BELIN. Which one did you know?
Mrs. REID. James Jarman.
Mr. BJZLIN. You recognized James Jarman?
Mrs. REID. Yes; because I had had some dealings with him in the business
part and I knew him. I couldn’t have told you the other two at all because I
didn’t know them.
Mr. BELIN. Do you remember that floor you saw them on?
Mrs. REIIL Well, I wasn’t exactly looking at the floor, I don’t know, I would
say a couple of floors up. I mean several anyway. I don’t know exactly.
Mr. BELIN. You don’t remember which floor it was.
Mrs. REID. I couldn’t tell you because, you know, I didn’t count the floors
and I didn’t count them, and I made the statement “Oh, I hope they don’t think
any of our boys have done this” and I had no thoughts of anything like that. I
turned and went back in the building.
Mr. BELIN. All right. Now, let me ask you this then.
Mrs. Rnm. All right.
Mr. BEUIP. Before you turned and went back into the building did you-did
Mr. Campbell say anything to you?
Mrs. Rxro. He said, “Oh, Mrs. Reid, no, it came from the grassy area down
this way,” and that was the last I said to him.
Mr. BELIE. All right. When he said “this way” which direction was he
Mrs. REID. Well, I hope I get my directions. In the direction of the parade
was going, in the bottom of that direction.
Mr. Baa. Now, did you look around after the shots and notice what people
were doing?
Mrs. REID. Well, it was just a mass of confusion. I saw people beginning to
fall, and the thought that went through my mind, my goodness I must get out
of this line of shots, they may fire some more. and don’t ask me why I went
into the building because I don’t know.
LBJ's cover up committee determined that Lee Oswald would have passed Mrs Reid near her deak in the office area, about 2 minutes after the first shot was fired. Baker had encountered Lee In the Lunchroom about 1 1/2 minutes after the first shot was fired. At that Time Mrs Reid allegedly said to Lee....( paraphrased)
"Someone has shot the President but I don't know if they hit him."
Question.... How could Mrs Reid have made that assumption so soon after the shooting?