I asked these people where the stairs were. A man stepped forward and stated he was the building manager and that he would show me where the stairs were.
There was a sign in the foyer at the bottom of the stairs, with an arrow that pointed to the stairs..... Those stairs only went to the second floor....But How did Baker know that?...And HOW did Truly know that Baker wanted to go to the roof of the TSBD. 
It's really very simple..........................
The afternoon of the assassination, four stories are being told:
-----------Mr Oswald visited the second floor lunchroom before the P. Parade, then went down to the first floor and then went out to watch the P. Parade
-----------Just after the shooting, Mr Oswald was stopped by an officer at the front entrance of the building but cleared by the building manager
-----------Just after the shooting, Mr Oswald was seen in a (small) storage room on the first floor
-----------Officer Baker encountered a man walking away from the stairway on the third or fourth floor
No one is talking about a lunchroom encounter----------because it hasn't been invented yet.