Another contrived 'problem', lol.
Here's the area:

Kindly explain to us---------having finally mastered the difference between the UP and the DOWN stairs
--------how the event described as follows in Officer Baker's 11/22 affidavit could not have happened here:
"As we reached the (...) floor I saw a man walking away from the stairway. I called to the man and he turned around and came back toward me."

Truly and Baker come up the stairs to the left (running north to south). At the top of the stairs there is a door just to the left.
They pass through this door into a very small space and have to turn left. At this point the stairs going up are about 12 ft in front of them to the left. At this point they can see anyone near the stairs. It takes about three large steps to find themselves with the stairs going up to their left and a short "hall" to the elevators to their right. This "hall" is about 13 ft long and can be covered in three large strides.
When Baker reaches this point and sees a man walking away from him in this tiny space he could almost reach out and grab him. He most certainly wouldn't need to shout to call him back as they are stood in virtually the same space. Baker could reach the man in one large stride so the idea of Baker calling out to a man walking away from the stairs seems a bit silly.
The big problem is Truly who is running ahead of Baker. Truly would need to push this man out of the way to continue upstairs but doesn't seem to have noticed him at all.
The space is far too small for the encounter to have taken place. This is obvious.