Those forearms look to me to be too slim for Ms Stanton, who (besides) would have been further back in the shadows alongside Mr Frazier. I think this also rules out Ms Sanders, who was standing beside Ms Stanton. Best bet would be either Ms Avery Davis or Ms Judy McCully (neither of whom worked on the second floor).
(Interesting Sidebar! Mr B. Kamp spoke with Ms McCully's daughter in 2018. She said her mom told her she was actually on the 4th floor at the time of the shooting...)
Mr Lewis gave a radio interview a while back in which he claimed to have been out on the steps (and not behind the front door). At one point, he let the interviewer persuade him he was the figure in Altgens we know to be Mr Carl Edward Jones-----------------not exactly a point in favor of Mr Lewis's credibility!
His March '64 description of his whereabouts at the time of the assassination? 'I stood by myself on the inside of the front entrance of the Texas School Book Depository...'
I believe he was behind that glass door----------------and saw Mr Oswald go through that door and out on to the steps.
Can't help wondering also is Mr Jones over by the (indoor) west wall in Darnell, messing with our perception of Prayer Man's posture?

We mutually agree on that point, quote ---->
I believe he was behind that glass door----------------and saw Mr Oswald go through that door and out on to the steps.Am sitting here pondering how many times--prior to February 1964--he was making every good faith attempt to share his personal experience, and subsequent observations of the wrongly-accused standing right out there on those front entrance steps...which somehow fell upon deaf ears even within his own community. Considering his young age (17), perhaps many of his much older & wiser elders considered he was full of foolish talk. It wouldn't have been the first time, nor the last, when a young person will be largely ignored about their "perception" of an important event.
Of course, less than 48 days after November 22, 1963, his alarming-ramblings somehow made their way out of the comfy confines of his own community back down to the authorities who paid him a little visit ----> that day forward, I believe young Mr. Lewis saw the "light" and knew precisely which way the wind was blowing. We can add Mr. Molina & Mr. Frazier to the club as well.
*Sidebar: Though Mr. Lewis is listed in most documents as 17, the above document incorrectly aged him 4 years in merely a two month period.