No problem, now you need contemporary corroborating evidence for Reid's claim in case you hope to advance your blob-claim.
And you need to work a lot harder on that unfortunate jacked reported by Baker.
And you have to deal with Hine's testimony naming every member, including Reid, of the group returning to the office.
Am trying to identify and track all the 'young ladies' who were in the second floor lunchroom and see how this ties in with Reid's statements and to see if I can unravel the mysterious movements of Carolyn Arnold.
One thing I'm looking at right now concerns the last point you make about Hine's testimony. There is a brief moment when Hine is out of the office, banging on the door of room 203. If Reid enters the office without being noticed by Hine I am assuming it can only be at this moment. The problem is - where is Reid when Hine returns to the office? Hine makes no mention of Reid until she is seen in the group of workers returning to the office.
The image below is CE 497. In her WC testimony Reid describes running back into the building and up the flight of stairs (seen in the bottom right-hand corner). She must pass through the door in front of the stairs then down a short corridor/landing to the door entering the main office (it is this office Westbrook describes everyone milling around in and where she heard Reid telling the Oswald story). Before going through the door to the main office there is a longer corridor to her left at the end of which is the door to room 203 (in the
story I am telling here Geneva Hine is down there, banging on the door, as Reid passes by). Reid enters the main office and walks ahead towards #29 on the diagram with a long counter to her left. As she reaches #29 she turns left and sees Oswald coming in the door between #27 and 28. Reid is now walking west, towards Oswald who is walking east towards Reid.
This is where, I think, it gets interesting. Reid's desk is situated by the dumbwaiter marked on the diagram. In her WC testimony Reid states twice that she walks past her desk. She crosses paths with Oswald where the "XR" is marked on the diagram. They have their interaction and Reid keeps on walking.
Where is Reid going?

In her WC testimony Reid never reveals where she went after her encounter with Oswald:
"Mrs. REID. Well, I kept walking and I looked up and Oswald was coming in the back door of the office. I met him by the time I passed my desk several feet and I told him, I said, "Oh, the President has been shot, but maybe they didn't hit him."
He mumbled something to me,
I kept walking, he did, too..."
She is walking east, she passes her desk, passes Oswald, and keeps on walking.
She is heading directly towards the door Oswald has just come in from but it is never revealed if she passes through it. Could this be why Reid is not in the office when Geneva Hine returns?