Why do you skip over the joint report by Agents Bookhout and Hosty which PRECEDES the Bookhout-only report, and which (unlike that later report) was written while Mr Oswald was still alive? Here's what that earlier report says-------------------
“OSWALD stated that he went to lunch at approximately noon and he claimed he ate his lunch on the first floor in the lunchroom; however he went to the second floor where the Coca-Cola machine was located and obtained a bottle of Coca-Cola ‘for his lunch. OSWALD claimed to’ be on the first floor when President JOHN F. KENNEDY passed by his building.”
The eyebrows of alert researchers had long been raised by the rather bizarre vagueness of that last bit: "on the first floor". Where on the first floor?? Thankfully, the mystery was lifted when an EVEN EARLIER report was finally unearthed in 2019: Mr Oswald told Captain Fritz he bought the Coke on two, then came downstairs for lunch, and then "went outside to watch P. Parade". The part of the first floor that Mr Oswald must have specified was: the front entrance.
This document of course destroys at a stroke the lie that Mr Oswald ever confirmed a post-assassination lunchroom encounter with an officer and Mr Truly. In fact he told them something that was completely at odds with the lunchroom encounter story. And so......... they buried it.
Comparing the evolving story told from one interrogation report to the next, in short, allows us to watch a key part of the cover-up against Mr Oswald take shape. If you weren't so besotted with the long-discredited lunchroom-encounter fiction, you would have no trouble recognizing the explosive import of the Hosty draft interrogation report that came to light in 2019-------and you wouldn't be taking recourse to ludicrously strained LNer-style argumentation in a desperate effort to explain its contents away.
"The eyebrows of alert researchers had long been raised by the rather bizarre vagueness of that last bit: "on the first floor". Where on the first floor?? Thankfully, the mystery was lifted when an EVEN EARLIER report was finally unearthed in 2019: Mr Oswald told Captain Fritz he bought the Coke on two, then came downstairs for lunch, and then "went outside to watch P. Parade". The part of the first floor that Mr Oswald must have specified was: the front entrance."I know that pointing this out is a complete waste of time but you're like a scab I can't help but pick.
When a person is
"outside" a building they do not consider themselves to be on any floor of that building and nobody else would consider them to be on any floor of that building.
The only people who would interpret things that way are those who are crazy enough to believe Oswald was African American or that Joe Molina is Sarah Stanton.
People who are rabidly defending a

theory that is supported by zero evidence.
The only thing you ever offer is this note by Hosty but what does Hosty have to say about this in his own book - "Assignment: Oswald"
"With his cowboy hat tilted back on his head, Fritz leaned back
in his chair and asked, "Okay now, Lee, you work at the Texas
School Book Depository, isn't that right?"
"Yeah, that's right", Oswald answered, very politely
"When did you start working there?" Fritz asked.
"About October fifteenth."
"What did you do down there?"
"I was just a common laborer."
"Now, did you have access to all the floors in that building?"
"Of course."
"Tell me what was on each of thse floors."
"The first and second floors have offices. The third and fourth
are storage. So are the fifth and sixth."
"And you were working there today, is that right?"
"Were you there when the president's motorcade went by?"
"Where were you when the president went by the book
"I was eating my lunch in the first-floor lunchroom."
"What time was that?"
"About noon."
"Were you ever on the second floor around the time the
president was shot?"
"Well, yeah. I went up there to get a bottle of Coca-Cola from
the machine for my lunch."
"But where were you when the president actually passed your
On the first floor in the lunchroom." [my emphasis]
Even Hosty contradicts the one piece of "evidence" Alan holds so dear. Oswald is inside the building at the time of the assassination, exactly as Oswald states himself on video.
But the chances of Fantasia Ford giving up on this are zero.