Very worth noting! 
But by the same token-----------
If while giving the affidavit Officer Baker sees a man being brought in in handcuffs, and remembers having encountered this heavily guarded suspect at a lunchroom on the second floor shortly after the assassination, why on earth does his affidavit not make mention of this very significant fact?
From Officer Baker's WC testimony:
Mr. BAKER - As I was in the homicide office there writing this, giving this affidavit, I got hung in one of those little small offices back there, while the Secret Service took Mr. Oswald in there and questioned him and I couldn't get out by him while they were questioning him, and I did get to see him at that time.Picture the scene, friends: Officer Baker is giving his affidavit. He has one memorable encounter he really needs to tell: the man walking away from the rear stairway on "the third or fourth floor". Why does he need to tell this? Why, because he now----in retrospect----must wonder might this man have been a fleeing assassin after all. The fact that he describes the man's physical appearance at the end of his affidavit proves that he now worries that this was no ordinary innocent employee.
As he is giving the affidavit, a man is brought in-----in handcuffs and heavily guarded.
What happens next?
Scenario A: Officer Baker recognizes the man as the man he caught walking away from the stairway on the third or fourth floor, and------with all the time he has to note this crucial fact------seals the deal by getting this noted in the affidavit he is in the process of giving.
Scenario B: Officer Baker recognizes the man, not as the man he caught walking away from the stairway on the third or fourth floor, but as a man he checked out in a lunchroom on the second floor. He says to the person taking his affidavit, "
This guy's the suspect? Damn, we need to start over."
Scenario C: Officer Baker does not recognize the man from Adam and finishes giving his affidavit, whose central character remains the man he caught walking away from the stairway on the third or fourth floor,.
Scenario D: Officer Baker recognizes the man, not as the man he caught walking away from the stairway on the third or fourth floor, but as a man he encountered fleetingly at the front entrance as he was running into the building. He tells this to the person taking his affidavit, and this encounter is duly mentioned in the (continued or fresh) affidavit.
Scenario E: Officer Baker recognizes the man, not as the man he caught walking away from the stairway on the third or fourth floor, but as a man he encountered fleetingly at the front entrance as he was running into the building. He tells this to the person taking his affidavit, and this encounter is NOT mentioned in the (continued or fresh) affidavit.
Which of the above scenarios is consistent with the affidavit as we have it, and which not?