You never answered my question: why in the hell would Mr Oswald (guilty or innocent) say something so crazily self-incriminating? And why was this last-minute bombshell confession not proclaimed to the world after his death that Sunday morning?
You never asked the question
Incorrect!-----see Reply #1120
and there is no answer. Why does anyone do anything, but LHO did.
Right, you can't explain why he would do such a crazy thing
Obviously his alibis were crumbling as they spoke to the coworkers. He wasn't just talking they were interacting with him.
So why did nobody in those interrogations ever offer the slightest indication that Mr Oswald changed his claimed whereabouts at the time of the assassination? You think they wanted to protect Mr Oswald's good name?
So--------contrary to your early claim---------you don't believe Mr Oswald consistently confirmed a second floor lunchroom encounter. Because Postal Inspector Holmes, whose every word you trust, has him put it "First floor. Front entrance to the first floor".
It is not contrary to any claim.
Holmes: "when he went down stairs, a policeman questioned him as to his identification and his boss stated that "he is one of our employees" whereupon the policeman had him step aside momentarily. Following this, he simply walked out the front door of the building."
No where in the statement does he state the encounter was on the first floor. You are reading that into it.

Mr Holmes is asked in his WC testimony where Mr Oswald located the encounter, and his answer is: "First floor. Front entrance to the first floor". He even goes on to describe the layout of that part of the building, despite never having set foot in it.
So---------what I'm reading into "First floor. Front entrance to the first floor" is: First floor, front entrance to the first floor. Kooky, huh?