Agreed, but it doesn't alter Bookhout's report, it just means Fritz can't be trusted.
If Captain Fritz's 'notes' are derived from Agent Bookhout's report, then the former cannot be used as independent corroboration of the latter. The discrepancies between Bookhout solo and the earlier reports (Hosty solo, Bookhout-Hosty joint) remain radioactive.
The interesting thing about Bookhout's solo report is that he mentions Oswald had bought a coke before Baker and Truly came in. If Bookhout is a Hoaxer and making all this up
He's not making it all up-----------he's merely taking what Mr Oswald really said (bought coke, down to 1, then outside = all PRE-assassination) and changing the timeframe to POST-assassination to fit it into the post-assassination lunchroom story
why does he include this detail about Oswald having bought the coke
Not being pedantic here, Mr O'Meara, but the detail he's including is about Mr Oswald having
claimed to have bought the coke. I'll return to this below.
only to have this refuted by his fellow Hoaxers, Baker and Truly
Interesting point, and one lost on most CTers: if Mr Oswald really said what the Bookhout solo report says he did, then he confirmed
a lunchroom encounter but not
the lunchroom encounter that Officer Baker and Mr Truly would tell the WC about.
EXPLANATION A: Agent Bookhout just went for a straightforward transposition of Mr Oswald's claims, including the coke detail. Under pressure of circumstances, he didn't ponder the implications of including this detail.
EXPLANATION B: Retaining Mr Oswald's actual claim about buying the coke gets a double result: Mr Oswald confirms a lunchroom encounter, but does so in a way that makes him look a liar.
EXPLANATION C: Mr Oswald with a coke in hand may well have been an element in the original lunchroom story put out. E.g.......
“The two men scrambled up the stairs to the second floor. As they made their way to the back stairway, the policeman saw Oswald standing beside a soft-drink machine, sipping from a coke bottle” (Washington Post, December 1).