It would appear that you think you can still get away with pretending this doesn't exist............

"O stated that he was present for work at the TSBD on the morning of 11/22, and at noon he went to lunch. He went to the 2nd floor to get a Coca-Cola, to eat with his lunch, and returned to the 1st floor to eat lunch. Then went outside to watch the P. parade. " This will probably be a futile effort to show a man with his head firmly inserted that he's incorrect in his belief.... But I'll try.
"O stated that he was present for work at the TSBD on the morning of 11/22, and at noon he went to lunch." "at noon he went to lunch."Lee may have discontinued working at NOON, but of course he didn't start eating his lunch at noon.... We can know that because he stated that he ate his lunch in the first floor lunchroom.... But that lunchroom was full of TSBD warehouse workers at noon, and NOBODY saw Lee there while they were eating their lunch....Furthermore Lee said that He saw Jarman and Norman pass by the 1st floor lunchroom as he was eating his lunch. J& N testified that the walked by the 1st floor lunchroom at about 12:27. Thus there are many unaware witnesses who corroborate Lee's alibi.
"He went to the 2nd floor to get a Coca-Cola, to eat with his lunch, and returned to the 1st floor to eat lunch." It is a fact that Lee was approached in the 2nd floor lunchroom, just after buying a coke, by DPD officer Marrion Baker. We know that time was about 12:32 ..... and after Baker departed from the 2nd floor lunchroom, Lee returned to the 1st floor lunchroom.
(He) "Then went outside to watch the P. parade. "
This scribbled statement does not make the information the absolute "cast in stone", honest-to- God truth.
IF Lee actually related that information to Bookhout then it's entirely possible that Lee believed that the P. parade was passing by at the time he headed for the front door. Or it's also possible that Bookhout misunderstood or misinterpreted what Lee said. When Bookhout transcribed his scribbled notes on 11/25/63 and typed up his 302 to be filed he wrote:
"He stated that he was on the second floor of said building, having just purchased a Coca- Cola from the soft drink machine, at which time a police officer came into the room with pistol drawn and asked him if he worked there. Mr Truly was present and verified that he was an employee, and the police officer thereafter left the room and continued through the building. Oswald stated that he took his coke down to the first floor and stood around and had lunch in the employees lunchroom. He thereafter went outside and stood around for five or ten minutes with foreman Bill Shelly, and thereafter went home.".... unquote
Pssst...Mr Ford.. Perhaps you can extract your head enough to see that when Bookhout used the scribbled notes to type up his report he said NOTHING about the P. parade passing when Lee went outside.....