It’s doubtful that Mrs Reid is a liar for boss Truly, as she is telling this story to fellow employees BEFORE Oswald is even noticed to be missing from TSBD by Truly, and well before a rifle on 6th floor is found and Oswald is a suspect.
If the story is “adjusted” later in Mrs Reid’s 1st FBI statement, to embellish and support boss Truly and Baker, should not Mrs Reid have simply stated seeing Oswald wearing brown shirt and seeing nothing in his hands?
Why would she complicate the Baker/Truly lunchroom encounter by having Oswald in T-shirt only and having “full” coke in hand?
Now Mrs Reid also basically stated that JFK has been shot when she met Oswald in the 2nd floor office and that he only mumbled something she could not quite understand.
So a reason for Reid to be telling this story before Oswald has become more than just an insignificant employee is that Mrs Reid thought it a bit unusual to see Oswald entering the office at that time When no one else was in the office except herself.
It therefore is neither suspicion nor some idea of embellishment to aid Mr. Truly at this point in time and simply an observation by Mrs Reid considering it seemed odd to be seeing one of the general worker boys in an otherwise empty office at the time.
And the “full” coke in hand, perhaps reinforced Mrs Reid’s perception that there was not a reason for Oswald to be in the office, since he obviously did not need change to buy a coke, nor was there anyone in the office to ask for change anyway.
So imo , Mrs Reid DID see Oswald in that office, and BECAUSE of the T-shirt and FULL coke in hand, it actually reinforces a timeline of PM meeting Baker by the front staircase 1st floor foyer, as Oswald went to the storage room to TAKE OFF his brown shirt before Oswald going up to the 2nd floor lunchroom To buy a SECOND bottle of soda.
Baker saw Oswald just before he took of his reddish brown shirt which in the type of lighting by the storage room
was perceived by Bakers memory meshing white T-shirt with loose hanging brown shirt as “a light brown jacket”.
It’s even possible that Oswald followed after Baker and Truly some 15-20 seconds later, and Oswald went thru the now open countertop in the front desk area, in order to cross the 1st floor to the rear DR. Pepper machine to purchase a 2nd Dr.Pepper bottle but found it was empty Or the power was out.
So Therefore the reason to go up to 2nd floor to buy a coke , then to cut thru 2ndfloor office, then take the front passenger elevator down to lobby, thus saving about 15 seconds of time and returning to the storage room and front entrance lobby in time to have met the reporters Pierce Alman and or McNeil depending if both were not fibbing a take for publicity sake like Brian Williams and the current day media often do.