Why did Mrs Reid put Mr Oswald in a white tshirt? I mean, if she's trying to help her boss, Mr Truly, then this makes no sense, right?
Wrong! A description of Mr Oswald's clothing during the (fictional) lunchroom encounter is notably missing from ALL of Mr Truly's accounts. He had, of course, encountered Mr Oswald (along with Officer Baker) at the front entrance just after the shots, but must have had no clear recollection afterwards of what he was wearing during this fleeting encounter. And so, when telling his unfortunate puppet Mrs Reid what to put on Mr Oswald, he went with the white tshirt Mr Oswald usually wore while at work.
Meanwhile, Officer Baker had gone on the record about a man caught walking away from the stairway several floors up wearing a light brown jacket! 
It's good to see Mr Fantasia back in full flow.
You've been making too much sense recently, I was starting to get worried.
You've noticed Truly doesn't describe the man's clothes and from this single observation have spun the fantastical tale of "Truly, Reid and the T-shirt".
Not a whiff of evidence to support it (as per) but presented as an established part of the narrative.
Classic stuff.
So when Baker and Truly were cooking up they're fake hoax 2nd floor encounter they didn't get together on silly little details like the actual appearance of their made-up man. Hmmmm....
You seem to be suggesting that there was no contact whatsoever between Truly and Baker after the day of the assassination and they had to come up with their story there and then in it's final form...
...or were they provided with the story by the FBI but Reid wasn't at the the meeting and gave an incorrect description of Oswald's clothing...
...or was Reid the mastermind as, according to Scranton Westbrook, she is the first one to reveal details concerning the phony fake hoax 2nd floor encounter, telling her co-workers about Oswald before Baker had written his report...
...or....get ready for this...was it
Oswald?Metallic headgear anyone?