The enclosed front entranceway is part of the building. It is not some location other than the Depository. And you have smuggled in the word "inside".
Mr Oswald told Captain Fritz he "went outside to watch P. Parade".
There is only one place that is both part of the building and outside: front steps.
Which is where Prayer Man is.

You can't honestly believe your absurd interpretation of Oswald's clear as crystal explanation? If Oswald was on the front steps, he would say he was on the front steps and especially at a time when he has the World's stage and is basically pleading for his life, why on Earth would he rely on the truth being discovered by a desperate Alan Ford 55 years later? Hahaha!
Btw other Depository staff all indicated that the outside steps were OUTSIDE, why would they say otherwise?
Mr. LOVELADY - That's on the second floor; so, I started going to the domino room where I generally went in to set down and eat and nobody was there and I happened to look on the outside and Mr. Shelley was standing outside with Miss Sarah Stanton, I believe her name is, and I said, "Well, I'll go out there and talk with them, sit down and eat my lunch out there, set on the steps," so I went out there.
Mr. BALL - You were standing where?
Mr. SHELLEY - Just outside the glass doors there.
Mr. BALL - That would be on the top landing of the entrance?
Mr. SHELLEY - yes.
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; not right then I didn't. I say, you know, he was supposed to come by during our lunch hour so you don't get very many chances to see the President of the United States and being an old Texas boy, and [he] never having been down to Texas very much I went out there to see him and just like everybody else was, I was standing on the steps there and watched for the parade to come by and so I did and I stood there until he come bySarah Stanton who was on the steps described to the FBI that after hearing the shots
"immediately went into the building".
